Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


Director of the Gathering Place, Community Services Group


Funding for the Gathering Place Health Centre





There is no relevant Council policy.


The purpose of this report is to request Council to accept annual ongoing funding of approximately $85000 from the Province (Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security), and to authorize the Director of Legal Services to execute the annual agreements. This report follows upon a predecessor dated April 11, 1996 which has now expired.


The Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security, and previously the Ministry of Social Services, have funded the Health Centre of the Gathering Place since its inception in 1996. The Health Centre, operated by one staff member daily, plus a cadre of capable volunteers (who receive meal tickets) provides showers, laundry, delousing, clothing repair, hair cuts, second hand clothing, first aid, and other assorted assistance to patrons. Approximately 8000 services are provided to patrons per year.

The ongoing funding for the Health Centre is renewed annually, and meets the operating and staffing costs of the Centre. In addition, renovation costs have been covered by the startup and annual grants. Presently, the Gathering Place is able to provide more than contracted hours of service with the provided funds of approximately $85000 per year.

The Director of the Gathering Place requests Council's permission for the Director of Legal Services to execute future agreements on behalf of the City with the Province.


The Health Centre is a vital, valuable service of the Gathering Place facility, funded totally by the Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security since August of 1995. The Health Centre offers a six day a week laundry, shower and delousing service to a disadvantaged community, with one staff member per shift and a team of competent volunteers. The Health Centre provides services much appreciated by the homeless, hotel residents, and other members of the Downtown South community. Acceptance of this report by Council will allow the service to continue.

With Council's acceptance of the report, the Director of Legal Services will be authorized to execute future agreements and the work of the Gathering Place Health Centre will continue.

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