Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


General Manager of Engineering Services


Award of Contract 2001-09 for the Construction of Valve Chamber #7 for the Dedicated Fire Protection System (DFPS)



THAT Contract 2001-09 for the Construction of DFPS Valve Chamber #7 be awarded to SANDPIPER CONTRACTING LTD., for the total tender price of $355,500 (excluding GST).


Contracts with a value exceeding $300,000 are referred to Council for award.


The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval for the award of a contract for the construction of Valve Chamber #7 for the DFPS Kitsilano / Fairview extension.


In April 1992, City Council approved in principle the concept and funding of a Dedicated Fire Protection System (DFPS). Currently, the DFPS system includes two pump stations with saltwater intakes (False Creek and Coal Harbour Pump Stations) and a loop of 600mm diameter steel watermains in the Downtown core with high capacity hydrants. All facilities are designed to remain operational following a maximum credible seismic event.

Council has previously approved the construction of the extension of the City's DFPS system to the Kitsilano / Fairview area on March 12, 1998. The proposed route wasapproved by Council on December 12, 2000.


The proposed valve chamber is an integral component of the DFPS Kitsilano - Fairview extension. The chamber will be located at the intersection of Cypress St. and 6th Ave. The valve chamber allows remote isolation of the 6th Avenue DFPS westward spur and/or the Cypress / 11th Ave DFPS southward spur. It also provides remote monitoring of the Kitsilano / Fairview extension to the False Creek Pump Station.

The work was advertised in the Journal of Commerce and open to public tender. Four tenders were submitted. All four tenders were complete and on-time. A summary of the bids is as follows:


Total Tender Price (excl. GST)

Sandpiper Contracting Ltd.

$ 355,500

Alexander Construction Ltd.

$ 393,087

Aquatec Construction Ltd.

$ 397,700

J S Ferguson Construction Inc.

$ 417,368

The engineer's cost estimate for the work is $ 370,000. This estimate was based on recent similar work tendered by the City (Contract 9814 for the Construction of Valve Chamber #6 and Related Works). Funds for this contract are available in the 2001 Waterworks Capital Budget.

The tender submitted by the low bidder, Sandpiper Contracting, meets all the tendering requirements including bonding, acceptable construction schedule, and satisfactory experience.

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