Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


General Manager of Engineering Services


Consulting Contract: Recycling Receiving Yard - 1100 East Kent Avenue




Consultant contracts over $30,000 must be awarded by Council.

Contracts are awarded on the basis of best value for fee.

Council approved development of a receiving yard for recyclables on July 20, 1999.


This report recommends that a professional services agreement for design and inspection services for a Recycling Receiving Yard be entered into with Delcan Corporation based on their proposal dated May 11, 2001.


The City currently collects approximately 25,000 tonnes of recyclables each year from theBlue Box and Apartment Recycling Programs. All of this material is received by the City's Processing and Marketing (P&M) contractor, Canadian Waste, at 901 East Kent Avenue. At this location the material is checked for contaminants and then shipped for further processing.

Every 2 to 5 years the P&M contract is retendered to ensure that the City continues to receive best value for our product. In addition to processing and marketing the materials, contractors must provide a receiving and processing yard that can receive all of the collection vehicles and recyclables and is located close to Manitoba Yards. Being within 3 kilometres of the yards ensures that the City's fleet of 22 vehicles is used efficiently.

The Processing and Marketing contract has been tendered and awarded 3 times since the Blue Box program began in 1989. The most challenging item for tenderers has been finding and obtaining suitable land to act as a receiving yard. Bidders would often find parcels of land whose lease was dependent on being awarded a contract. Other difficulties with land acquisition include an uncertain contract duration as well as permits, site development, and preparation.

These challenges require that the tender process be much longer than would otherwise be necessary as the new contractor has to develop a site (including all necessary permits) prior to contract changeover and receiving of recyclables. This also places the City at risk of not having a receiving yard should the successful contractor fail to develop their anticipated receiving yard.

Council approved the development of a City owned, contractor operated, receiving yard for Blue Box and Apartment recyclables on July 20, 1999.


The existing P&M contract with Canadian Waste expires on May 1, 2002. To incorporate a City owned recycling receiving yard at 1100 E. Kent Avenue in the next tender, the new yard must be ready for operation by May 1, 2002.

The City already owns the land at the proposed location, on Parcel O, east of the City asphalt and aggregate handling plant on Parcel P. The Recycling Yard would use approximately 1 acre of the 4 acres on Parcel O.

Staff advertised a Request for Qualifications for the project, and shortlisted three consultant teams from the responses. The shortlisted consultants were invited to submit proposals for the project. Following review of the three proposals and interviews with the consultants, staff ranked Delcan Corporation highest among the proponents. Delcan Corporation has a wide range of experience with design and construction projects.

The proposal from Delcan corporation includes the following scope of work:
· Preliminary site layout and analysis
· Geotechnical investigation
· Site servicing design
· Permit applications
· Project construction tender
· Tender review
· Construction inspection services


This consulting contract is based on a fee for services basis with an upset limit of $62,000. Funding to be provided from the Solid Waste Capital Reserve as approved by Council July 20, 1999.

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