1. Address: 335, 341 and 349 East 16th Avenue Present Zone: RM-4N
Applicant: Davidson Yuen Simpson Architects Proposed Zone: CD-1
Heritage Listing: n/a
Date of Previous Inquiry: January 31, 2001
Date of Application: May 7, 2001
Staff Contact: P. Mondor, E. Fiss, A. Kloppenborg, C. Gray

Proposal: · A four-storey wood frame building containing Multiple Dwelling (10 two- and three-bedroom dwellings for transitional housing) and Special Needs Residential Facility - Group Living (18 sleeping rooms for short-term emergency shelter accommodation). FSR of 1.45 and height of 11.5 m (37.7 feet). Yard and horizontal angle of daylight requirements are met. Rezoning is required in order to permit Multiple Dwelling and SNRF in same building.