Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


General Manager, Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services


Annual Report from Citizens' Advisory Committee to Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services




June 22, 1993, approved the recommendation of the City Manager to form a Fire Department Advisory Committee. The Committee would consist of ten people from the community and a representative from Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services.


The Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) was formed by City Council Resolution on June 22, 1993. The first meeting was held on February 9, 1994. In the year that followed, the Committee elected Dr. Tom Ward, Chairperson, developed and adopted terms of reference, met with interested parties, and reviewed important documents relating to the operation of the Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services.


The purpose of this report is to ensure Council is informed as to the activities and progress of the Citizens' Advisory Committee to the General Manager, Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services.


The Citizens' Advisory Committee to Vancouver Fire & Rescue was formed in 1994 and hasheld monthly meetings from September to June every year since. Meetings over the first half of 2000 continued in the format which had become established over the previous few years. Each meeting consisted mainly of briefings from VF&R personnel on current events and topics of interest to the Committee. Principal and ongoing topics have been:

Topics of Interest

Fire by-laws constitute a major interface between the public and the Fire Service. Changes to by-laws can be expensive for some citizens and so may be resisted; this has happened in the recent past. Existing evidence in the form of case studies indicates there is an optimal investment in alarm and protection which give good results and at the same time is not perceived to be excessively expensive. The Service is developing and implementing measures consistent with this evidence. The Committee supports this approach and is working with VF&R in specific application areas such as apartments.

Training and recruiting issues are of continuing importance as VF&R strives to maintain its standard of personnel. Concerns arose, after the induction and early training experience with a group of new recruits, over the adequacy of pre-induction training of candidates. Alternatives to existing methods of candidate preparation training are under consideration.

E-Comm progress and the elusive date for cutover of VF&R dispatching to the new facility have been followed closely by the Committee. The slow progress has been disappointing, and has contributed to the lengthy time required to evaluate the new CAD system. The many technical and workplace difficulties experienced by E-Comm are of great concern to the Committee not only as we strongly support with VF&R Services, the concept of regionally-integrated dispatch and communication but also as taxpayers witnessing a major investment struggling to meet its objectives. The Committee supports the decision by VF&R not to move dispatching operations into the E-Comm facility until its commissioning problems are overcome.

Budget issues are critically important because VF&R has no elasticity in its financial requirements. If insufficient money is provided to cover present costs, a reduction in services will be the result. There are no non-service expenditures available to be trimmed.

The Role of the CAC

Just before the summer break a sentiment emerged among CAC members that a more active role in the decision processes would be appropriate. The Terms of Reference (revised May11, 1994) supported a wide scope for review and recommendation of VF&R plans, programs, services and budget. The Committee felt that if any value was to be derived from its deliberations and recommendations, these recommendations would need to be made when plans, programs and services were in the early stages rather than when they were complete. Over the September-October time frame the Committee met on its own and developed the idea of establishing permanent working groups on certain subjects of ongoing interest. The subjects chosen were:

The first meeting under the new format was held 2000 December 13 and was considered a success. It is intended to follow this new structure for meetings through 2001.

Acknowledgements and thanks from Citizens' Advisory Committee

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