Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


Director of Current Planning


5438 Rupert Street


The Director of Current Planning submits the following for consideration:



At its meeting on June 2, 1998, Council instructed the Director of Planning to:

A. refer all proposed height relaxations under Sections 4.3(a) and (b) C-2 Residential Guidelines to Council for advice;

B. delete Section 4.3(c) of the C-2 Residential Guidelines permitting height relaxations over 16.8 m pending a full review of the C-2 zone;

C. amend the C-2 Residential Guidelines to add a general clause indicating that projects should have a very good architectural design and should use quality exterior materials and that projects should be referred to Urban Design Panel(UDP) for advice;

D. report back to Council before the summer break with a timetable, work program and resourcing to undertake a C-2 review; and

E. instruct staff that the Guidelines take precedence where there is a conflict between the District Schedule and the Guidelines.


In accordance with Council's instructions of June 2, 1998, this development application is being referred to Council for advice as the proposal requires a building height relaxation.

The proposed development is for the construction of a four-storey retail/residential building and will require a height relaxation to 13.72 metres (45 feet) from the outright height of
12.2 metres (40 feet). The site has a slope of more than 1.5 metres (4.92 feet) which qualifies for consideration of a height relaxation. A view analysis of the additional height confirms that there will be minimal impact on the surrounding sites.

Overall, Planning staff feel that this proposal is supportable in terms of its architectural design, massing and detailing. The Director of Planning is therefore inclined to support this application. However, before making a decision, the application is being referred to Council for advice.


This report seeks Council's advice on a development application requesting permission to construct a four-storey building containing retail and residential uses, where the proposed height exceeds the maximum 12.2 metres (40 feet) permitted under the provisions of the C-2 District Schedule.


The site is located at the southeast corner of Kingsway and Rupert Street. The C-2 zoning district extends east and west from this site, along the south side of Kingsway. Across the lane to the south are single-family homes, zoned RS-1S. The site and surrounding zoning are shown in the attached Appendix 'A' (on file in City Clerk's Office).


The proposal involves the construction of a four-storey building containing retail space and four dwelling units on the ground floor and 35 dwelling units on the second, third and fourthfloors, with two levels of underground parking, having vehicular access from the rear lane.

Simplified plans, including a site plan and elevations, have been included in Appendix 'B' (on file in City Clerk's Office).

The proposed development has been assessed against the C-2 District Schedule and C-2 Residential Guidelines. The proposal generally meets the intent of the zoning, but is requesting a relaxation to the outright permitted maximum height of 12.2 metres (40 feet). Significant issues identified by staff are discussed separately below.


The applicant is requesting a height relaxation of 1.52 metres (5 feet). The site slopes downward from the east to west by 2 metres (6.56 feet) along the north (Kingsway) property line, and 3.02 metres (9.90 feet) along the south (lane) side. This exceeds the 1.5 metres (4.92 feet) minimum site slope which the Guidelines recognize as a rationale for consideration of a height relaxation.

The slope makes compliance to the outright maximum height of 12.2 metres (40 feet) extremely difficult. The applicant has stepped the building in one location to reduce the maximum height, but the proposal still requires a relaxation at the northwest corner to
13.72 metres (45 feet). An architectural appurtenance (in the form of a raised parapet) is also located at the northwest corner, and extends an additional 0.66 metres (2.18 feet) above the requested height relaxation of 13.72 metres (45 feet).

The amount of relaxation required could be reduced by one additional step within the building. However, staff recognize that stepping creates accessibility and livability issues at the residential levels (stairs in the corridors), and note that no objections have been received from surrounding property owners. The Urban Design Panel supported the height relaxation, as proposed. Being on the south side of Kingsway, there would be no shadow impact on other properties, or, given the width of Kingsway, on the other side of the street.

The architectural appurtenance (a raised parapet) is located at the northwest corner of the building, facing the corner of Kingsway and Rupert Street. It extends an additional
0.66 metres (2.18 feet) above the proposed height relaxation, and can be permitted by the Director of Planning under Section 10.11.1(a) of the Zoning and Development By-law. Staff and the Urban Design Panel have been in support of this element, as a way to mark the corner of the building at this highly visible intersection.


The revised proposal reviewed by the Urban Design Panel on February 21, 2001 usesextensive areas of brick cladding on the street-facing facades, and incorporates other elements, including the proposed appurtenance which strengthens the character of the building. Staff believe that these design changes achieve the good architectural design standards requested by Council. (See the comments of the Urban Design Panel below.)


The proposed floor space ratio (FSR) for the residential uses on the upper three floors is 2.12, which is less than the 2.2 FSR suggested for corner sites in Section 4.7(b) of the C-2 Residential Guidelines. The rear setbacks to the residential floors from the lane generally comply with the Guidelines.


This project was reviewed twice by the Urban Design Panel.

At its meeting on November 29, 2000, the Panel did not support the proposal and asked for further refinements to the design and detailing, although they did consider the height relaxation acceptable.

At its meeting of February 21, 2001, the Panel noted that significant improvements had been made to the design and supported the revised scheme unanimously, including the proposed height relaxation and permitted appurtenance.

Copies of the Urban Design Panel minutes from both meetings are attached as Appendix 'C' (on file in City Clerk's Office).


As part of the review of this development application, 50 neighbouring property owners were notified of the proposal. In addition, a site sign was placed on the site. No responses were received.


The proposed development has been assessed against the C-2 District Schedule and C-2 Residential Guidelines, and responds to the stated objectives. No concerns were raised by neighbouring property owners, and the Urban Design Panel supports the proposal.

Development Services staff therefore support approval of this development application, subject to various conditions to be met prior to the issuance of the development permit. However, before making a decision on this application, the Director of Planning is seekingany advice which Council may wish to provide.

Link to Appendices A, B and C.

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