Date: April 30, 2001
Author/Local: Avy Woo 873 7090 RTS NO. 02026
CC File No. 113
P&E: May 17, 2001
TO: |
Standing Committee on Planning and Environment |
General Manager Fire and Rescue Services |
General Amendments to the Vancouver Fire By-law |
A. THAT Council approve in principle the proposed amendments to the Fire By-law as summarized in the Appendix to this report, and
B. THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to bring forward the By-law amendments generally as shown in Appendix A.
The General Manager of Fire and Rescue Services RECOMMENDS approval of A and B.
The general policy of Council is to adopt amendments to the Fire By-law where they are housekeeping changes.
The Vancouver Fire By-law No. 8191 was passed in open Council, May 2, 2000, replacing the old Fire By-law No. 7090. Since the distribution of the By-law, there are inevitably mistakes that have gone into print. This set of amendments will include all the errors that have been observed to date.
Also included in this set of amendments are revisions that fall under the 2 following categories:
1. Changing back to the wording in Fire By-law 7004
One of the objectives for Vancouver Fire By-law 8191 is to mirror as closely as possible the B.C. Fire Code 1998. Some of the wording in the old Fire By-law 7004 were changed to duplicate the wording in the B.C. Fire Code 1998 and adopted into the Fire Bylaw 8191. Since then, it has been discovered that some of the revised wording were not as well written for usage and enforcement. These wording are therefore amended back to be the same as the old Fire By-law 7004.
2. New amendments
A few of the proposed changes that should have been included in the Fire By-law 8191 were missed. There are also a couple of new issues that need to be addressed. This set of amendments will now include these changes.
All the changes are not controversial in nature. The following is a short summary and reasons on some of the new amendments as listed in Appendix A:
Securing Garbage Bins
There has been an increase in arson fires associated with garbage bins. New clauses are introduced to require bins to be designed so that they are lockable and securable in place. The Solid Waste Management Division is reviewing similar requirements and is in support of our initiative.
Increase travel distance for an Open Floor Area
The B.C. Fire Code introduced a new section pertaining to the layout of a floor area without fixed partitions which the Fire By-law adopted in whole. The travel distances are more severe than the Building By-law's requirement making the interpretation and enforcement of this section very difficult. Since all new buildings in Vancouver are sprinklered, amendments are proposed to allow the travel distance to be doubled to recognize the different fire risks associated with sprinklered buildings. This notion is supported by the Fire Commissioner's Office of B.C. in principle.
Defining Service Agents
The Fire By-law requires certified persons to do the testing and inspections of most fire protection systems. This programme was established back in 1996 with ASTTBC where all the service agents have to hold a valid certification. In this set of changes, the By-law clarifies who the Fire Chief considers acceptable, and all associated By-law clauses are updated.
This set of Fire By-law amendments contains non-controversial items. The adoption of this set of text amendments will make easier the usage of the By-law.
For the printed version, there are revisions made to the Appendix A of the Fire By-law which are not part of the legal text. For this reason, changes made to the Appendix to the Fire By-law have not been included in this report.
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Appendix A
From page v:
Requests for permission to reproduce the Vancouver Fire By-Law must be sent to:
Assistant Deputy Chief - Fire Prevention
#201- 456 West Broadway
Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1R3.
Part 1:
Compressed gas means any contained mixture or material with either an absolute pressure exceeding 275 Kpa kPa at 21°C or an absolute pressure exceeding 717 Kpa kPa at 54°C or both, or any liquid having an absolute vapour pressure exceeding 275 Kpa kPa at 38°C.
reason: wrong units
Service agency means a person or company acceptable to the Fire Chief that provides testing, inspection and maintenance of fire safety installations and equipment.
Service agent means a Registered Fire Protection Technician (RFPT) certified by the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia (ASTTBC) specifically for the testing and inspection of fire safety installations and equipment.
reason: the By-law Prosecutor recommends the term "service agents" to be defined as ASTTBC members.
Part 2:,,,,,,, and add [see Appendix A]
------------- add a "period" at the end of the sentence.
------------------ Except as required in this By-law, sprinkler systems shall be inspected, tested and maintained in conformance with NFPA 25.
reason: repeat from Doors in fire separations shall, unless the door is equipped with an acceptable hold-open device conforming to the Building By-law, be inspected at intervals not greater than 24 h by the occupant to ensure that the doors are not blocked, wedged or held in open position. Doors in fire separations shall be inspected by the owner or occupant at intervals not greater than 24 h to ensure that they remain closed unless the door is equipped with a hold-open device conforming to the Building By-law. Closures in fire separations shall not be obstructed or altered in any way that would prevent the normal operation of the closure.
4) Doors in fire separations shall not be blocked, wedged or otherwise held open.
reason: the By-law Prosecutor recommends to change back to the wording of the old Bylaw.
------------- Every door used as a closure with a required fire protection rating shall have a permanent sign conforming to Subsection 2.1.4. acceptable to the Fire Chief, posted on the visible side of the door when it is in the open position, in the direction of exit travel from the floor area with the words "FIRE DOOR KEEP CLOSED" except where the door is:
reason: clarify where the signs should be located.
-------------- Combustible materials, other than those for which the location, room or space is designed, shall not be permitted to accumulate:
a) in any part of an elevator shaft, ventilation shaft, means of egress, service room or service space, or
b) in or adjacent to a means of egress.
reason: expand on where storage is not permitted in a means of egress.
------------- Except as permitted in Sentence (4) Non-combustible receptacles as required in Sentences (1) and (2) shall not be placed closer than 1 m from combustible materials. Except as provided in Sentence, a receptacle required in accordance with Sentences (1) and (2) shall receptacles intended for holding and storing of combustible materials, including receptacles required in sentences (1) and (2), shall:
a) be constructed of non-combustible materials,
b) have a close fitting metal cover and designed to be lockable, and
c) if the flooring material upon which it is placed is combustible, have a flanged bottom or legs not less than 50 mm high, and
d) designed to be securable in place.
reason: clarify some of the fire safety measures to try to minimize garbage container fires which is on the rise.
-------------- Every building, including buildings under construction, must be identifiable by an address, easily visible from the street, in accordance with the Building By-law.
reason: to add a reference from the Fire By-law to the Building By-law where addresses to buildings are required.
----------------- Lock boxes referred to in Sentence (1) shall be:
a) recessed or flushed flush mounted into the building,
reason: typo
------------- Unless otherwise acceptable to the Fire Chief, Means of egress shall be provided and continued in place in buildings in conformance with the Building By-law.
reason: add wording for means of egress to be maintained.
------------- Aisles in conformance with Sentences (2) to (4) shall be provided in every floor area that
a) is not subdivided into rooms or suites served by fixed corridors giving access to exits and
b) is required by the Building By-law to have more than one egress doorway. The distances referred to in sentence (3) are permitted to be doubled if the floor area is sprinklered.
reason: this subsection is added in the BC Fire Code 1998 but the enforcement and usage are not as clear as it can be. The BC Fire Code also does not give allowances for sprinklered floor area.
------------------ Except as provided in sentence (7), the maximum occupant load for a floor area or part of a floor area shall be the lesser of Where Table does not specify the type of use, the figure 1.2 m2 per person shall be used to determine the occupant load under Clause, unless the Fire Chief permits a greater occupant load based on similar uses and the fire hazards associated with the premises.
reason: to cover uses where the method of calculating occupant load is unique.
------------------ A sufficient number of supervisory staff shall be on duty in care or or detention occupancies to perform the tasks outlined in the fire safety plan described in Clause
-------------- (1) A fire watch shall be conducted in tents and air-supported structures occupied by the public where the facilities are designed to accommodate more than 1 000 persons in accordance with Article Sentence
reason: wrong reference
Part 3:,, (b), add a "period" after the sentence.
reason: typo
--------------------- This Part shall not apply to
a) facilities operated by manufacturers or distributors at which Class 2 gases are manufactured, or containers are filled or distributed, provided that the storage and handling is under the supervision of a Professional Engineer [See Appendix A], and
reason: add "the" to make the sentence reads better
--------------------- Except as permitted in Sentence (2), this Section Shall shall apply to buildings or parts of buildings used for the short or long term storage of the following products, whether raw or waste materials, goods in process, or finished goods
reason: typo
------------- High rack storage warehouses with storage heights greater than 13 m, where conditions exist which must be addressed by design and operation details specific to the hazard, need not conform to this Section, where alternative protection is provided in conformance with Part 1. Where conditions exist which must be addressed by design and operation details specific to the hazard, high rack storage with heights greater than 13 m need not conform to this Section provided alternative protection is provided in conformance with Part 1.
reason: rearrange sentence for better read and take out the reference to warehouses only.
-------------- Unless otherwise provided in this Section, the storage of materials referenced in Clauses (1)(a) to (e) shall comply with NFPA 231, "General Storage", for materials not stored in racks, and NFPA 231C, "Rack Storage of Materials", for materials stored in racks. [see Appendix A]
reason: reference to NFPA 231 and 231C is not very clear in the VFBL [sentence only reference the sprinkler installations].
----------------- Except where the width of storage is not more than 1.5 m, measured out from the wall, wall clearances of not less than 400 mm shall be maintained when the quantity of dangerous goods stored in a building exceeds the quantities shown in Table
reason: missing unit.
---------------- NFPA 231, "General Storage", where the height of storage is greater than 3.6 m in piles, on pallets, on shelves, or in bin boxes, or
reason: typo, missing word
------------- 6.1 m where products are on in racks. the height limit determined by the design capacity of the sprinkler system where products are on in racks.
reason: changing the preposition to be uniform with the rest of the Part.
-------------------- Lists Fire Safety Plan
reason: change heading to reflect what is in the following text.
------------------- This subsection Subsection shall apply to the storage of Class 5.1 ammonium nitrate mixtures that contain 60% or more by weight of ammonium nitrate in quantities exceeding 1 000 kg inside buildings.
reason: typo
------------- Explosives Explosives shall not be used to break up caked ammonium nitrate.
reason: typo, explosives is a defined term.
Part 4:,,,,,,,,,,, add a "period" after the sentence.
--------------, change the "period" to a "comma" after the clause,,, change the "semi-colon" after each clause to a "comma".
-------------- (1) This Subsection shall apply to the storage and handling of flammable liquids and combustible liquids in buildings classified as assembly assembly or residential occupancies, except that it shall not apply to nonresidential schools, universities or colleges covered in Subsection 4.2.6.
reason: "assembly" is a defined term.
-------------- At least 2 portable extinguishers, each having a rating of not less than 10-B:C, shall be provided at every fuel dispensing station in conformance with Part 6.
reason: typo, plural noun.
------------ add a comma after the clause.
-------------- When out-of-service storage tanks in Sentence (1) contain flammable liquids or combustible liquids, the liquid level in the tank shall be measured and the readings compared at intervals not greater than one month.
reason: typo
---------------- Vehicles delivering flammable flammable and combustible liquids shall as far as possible use only City of Vancouver truck routes as designated in the Street and Traffic By-law, and shall then follow the most direct route to and from the truck route and the delivery location.
reason: flammable is a defined term.
Part 5:,,,,, add a "period" at the end of the sentence.
------------- add a "comma" after clause a) before the word "or"
------------ change the "period" to a "comma".
------------ change the "semi-colon" to a "comma" after all the clauses.
------------------ There Where spray coating operations are confined within a spray booth, the fire separation required in Sentence (1) need not have a fire-resistance rating, but shall be vapour tight. [See Appendix A]
reason: typo
-------------- No person shall point or direct a fireworks at any person, animal, building or motor vehicle where such fireworks is are in the process of exploding or detonating, and where it is they are capable of projecting or discharging a charge or pyrotechnical effect more than 1 m.
reason: typo, fireworks are always plural
Table 5.9.1.A
Explosives Goods Route
Route "A" |
A-1. Entering the City of Vancouver on Freeway #1, Westbound: |
a) take Hastings Street (ex 26) off ramp. Do not go through the tunnel. | |
b) go through the intersection of Cassiar and Hastings, get in the left lane. | |
c) left on McGill/PNE/Bridgeway St exit | |
v |
d) go along Triumph Street and go |
e) turn right on Commissioner Street which | |
A-2. Entering the City of Vancouver Eastbound on Freeway #1 towards the Ports: | |
a) after crossing the bridge, right on McGill exit and follow the same route as Route A-1 towards the piers. | |
A-3. Leaving the Piers to get onto Freeway #1 Westbound: | |
a) take route A-2 in reverse. | |
A-4. Leaving the Pier to get onto Freeway #1 Eastbound: | |
a) take route A-1 in reverse. | |
| |
| |
v |
| |
| |
reason: add clarification to route A and deleting Route B. The Coast Ferries Dock is closed.
Part 6: This Part provides for:
a) the installation, inspection, testing, maintenance and operation of
automatic sprinkler systems, fire protection systems and other special extinguishing systems,and portable extinguishers,
b) the inspection, testing, maintenance and operation of fire protection systems,
c)b) theinspection andregulation ofagencies whichservice agents whoserviceinspect and testfire protection systems.
reason: fire protection system by definition includes all the listed equipment.
-------------- Only acceptable service agencies service agents are permitted to test or inspect or provide maintenance to a fire protection system, fire pump, emergency power or a commercial kitchen exhaust system. [See appendix A]
2) Where a service agency has service agents have tested or inspected or provided maintenance pursuant to Sentence (1) it they shall ensure that the equipment is labelled and tagged in an acceptable manner. in conformance with Sentence (4).
3) Service agencies shall service portable fire extinguishers in compliance with CAN/ULC-S532 "A Standard for the Regulation of the Servicing of Portable Fire Extinguishers".
3) Portable fire extinguishers shall be serviced in compliance with CAN/ULC-S532 "A Standard for the Regulation of the Servicing of Portable Fire Extinguishers".
4) All fire protection equipment referred to in Sentence (1) shall have a tag securely attached to show the maintenance date, the name and signature of the service agent, and if applicable, additional work required.
------------------ Portable extinguishers shall be rated and identified in conformance with CAN/ULC-S508M, ARating and Fire Testing of Fire Extinguishers and Class D Class D Extinguishing Media@.
reason: typo
---------------- Acceptable alkali base dry chemical portable extinguishers shall be provided to protect commercial cooking equipment. [See Appendix A]
reason: compatible extinguishers are not dry chemical type anymore.
------------- A label shall be fixed to the extinguisher after testing indicating the month and year the hydrostatic pressure test was performed and including the test pressure used and the name of the person or agency performing service agent who performed the test. Each portable extinguisher shall have a tag securely attached to it showing the maintenance or recharge date, and the service agency name and the signature of the person who performed the service. service agent.
reason: new definition of a service agent.
---------------- The inspection, testing and maintenance of standpipe and hose systems shall conform to NFPA 14, AInstallation of Standpipe and Hose Systems@ NFPA 25, "Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems".
reason: revised reference
-------------- Standpipe systems that have been modified or extended in conformance with Article or are being restored to service after a period of disuse exceeding one year shall be flow and pressure tested at the highest and most remote hose connection to ensure the availability of the water supply for which the system was designed.
reason: the reference to Article is incorrect since VFBL has different wording than BC Fire Code for this article.
------------ Waterflow alarm tests using the inspector's test connection shall be performed annually on all wet pipe sprinkler systems at intervals not greater than 12 months.
reason: following the wording in BC Fire Code.
--------------- Dry-pipe valves shall be trip tested annually at intervals not greater than 12 months with the control valve partially open.
reason: following the wording in BC Fire Code.
--------------- Except as otherwise provided in this By-law, any water supplies for fire protection such as private fire service mains and appurtenances, fire pumps and water storage tanks, and valves that control system flow, shall be inspected, tested and maintained in conformance with NFPA 25 "Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems".
reason: add reference to the inspection and maintenance standard NFPA 25.
--------------------- Every applicant for a reinspection of any portion of a project building or site which has been previously inspected and where there was a finding of faulty or incomplete work or materials shall pay the applicable reinspection fee set out in Schedule A-2.
[Add to Schedule A-2:]
7. |
For each reinspection which has been previously inspected. For each hour of part thereof |
$100.00 |
reason: clarify where reinspection fees apply.
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