Date: March 27, 2001
Author/Local: M. Scholefield/7916
RTS NO. 1774
CC File No. 5753
T&T: May 15, 2001
TO: |
Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic |
General Manager of Engineering Services |
Partial Closure on 1600 E. 10th Ave. |
THAT the temporary partial closure, which closes East 10th Avenue to westbound traffic at the lane west of Commercial Drive, be made permanent.
On May 27th, 1997, Council approved the Vancouver Transportation Plan that emphasizes the need to mitigate the effects of traffic in local neighbourhood areas.
The purpose of this report is to document the neighbourhood support for the proposed permanent installation and seek Council approval for making permanent the trial partial closure.
October 1994
Council received an information report regarding a proposed traffic plan for the Woodland area, which was developed in response to new commercial developments along Commercial Dr.
February 1995
Council approved two permanent traffic circles and a temporary partial closure as recommended in the Woodland Area Traffic Plan.
May 1995
The temporary partial closure was installed for a one-year trial period.
May 1996
Following the trial period, surveys were distributed to residents and businesses living within the boundaries of Clark and Commercial, between Broadway and 12th. The response rate for this survey was 15% (75 out of 500 surveys). Of the surveys returned, 78% were in favour of making the partial closure permanent. The most common concerns expressed related to the diversion of traffic on to 11th Ave. and Woodland Dr. and the number of vehicles by-passing the partial closure. Traffic counts conducted in April of 1996 indicate that Woodland and 11th experienced increases in traffic volumes, of 15% and 44% respectively, in the year following the installation. A decision was therefore made to postpone a recommendation to Council and to re-assess this traffic calming measure.
Jan 1997 - Nov 2000
Additional traffic counts were conducted from 1997 to 2000.
A 48% reduction in traffic on 10th Ave. and an 8% reduction in the total volume of traffic in the neighbourhood have been observed since the installation of the partial closure. A single count on 11th Ave. appeared to show some diversion following the partial closure installation, but subsequent counts indicate no diversion. It should be noted that the current volumes observed on 11th and Woodland are typical for a two-family dwelling district. The following table summarizes the traffic volume patterns from 1990 to 2000:
Table 1. Average Daily Total (ADT) Vehicle Volumes
Partial closure installed in May of 1995
10th Ave. |
11th Ave. |
Woodland Dr. | |
Nov. 2000 |
533 |
988 |
1505 |
Jan 1997 |
553 |
965 |
1401 |
Apr. 1996 |
596 |
1306 |
Feb. 1994 |
1016 |
901 |
1379 |
Oct. 1990 |
908 |
1392 |
1224 |
% Change before (1994) and after (2000) installation |
-48% |
10% |
9% |
A review of pre- and post-trial traffic volume data shows that the installation of the partial closure has effectively reduced the traffic volumes on 10th Avenue (by 48%), without significantly increasing traffic volumes on the adjacent roads (<=10%). Furthermore, the total volume of traffic in the neighbourhood has decreased by 8% since the installation. To address the concerns raised about vehicles by-passing the partial closure, the design has been modified to reduce the one-way eastbound road width from 5 m to 4.0 m (which requires changing the "Permit Parking" regulation opposite the closure to a "No Stopping Any Time" regulation). Originally, the resident letter proposed a reduction in lane width to 3.0 m. Further review, however, suggests that a 4.0 m lane width is more appropriate as it will allow more parking and will provide better access for large vehicles. The design also includes an access slot for westbound cyclists.
On March 8th, 2001, a letter detailing the findings of the 1996 survey and traffic study and a comment form were delivered to 470 residents and property owners in the project area (Refer to Appendix A). This provided residents with an opportunity to express concerns that have arisen since the original 1996 survey. Of the 20 comment forms returned, 70% expressed strong support for making the partial closure permanent. It should be noted that 5 of the 6 respondents who did not agree with the closure reside on the arterials, Commercial and Broadway. Of the respondents residing on Woodland, 10th and 11th, there is 92% support for making the partial closure permanent.
Concerns expressed by residents included: traffic volumes on Woodland (1), traffic volumes on Broadway (2), and traffic volumes on 11th (2) (note that these concerns were not expressed by residents of 11th Ave.). Some respondents also expressed their dismay about the restricted access (2) and an opinion that the partial closure is not necessary (1). A copy of the letter distributed in the area is given in Appendix B. A summary of the respondents' comments is given in Appendix C.
The partial closure will cost $14,000 from account CA2EA5A003, which has previously been approved as part of the 1995 Woodlands Area Traffic Calming Plan. Due to the alignment of partial closures on the roadway and the bike access slot, additional time and cost will be involved in the City's standard debris and leaf removal operations. As such, the Streets Maintenance budget, commencing in 2002, will be increased by $100 without offset.
The overall impact of the partial closure has been positive in the neighbourhood, with significant reductions in volumes along 10th Ave. being achieved with a minimal impact on the vehicle volumes on adjacent streets. Furthermore, a neighbourhood-wide reduction in traffic volumes has been observed. The partial closure has received strong support from the neighbourhood, both in the 1996 (78% support) and 2001 (70% support) surveys; therefore it is recommended that the partial closure be made permanent.
* * * * *
Available on file in the City Clerk's Office.
Transportation Division
Neighbourhood Transportation Branch
March 7, 2001
Dear Resident or Property Owner:
RE: Temporary Partial Closure on 10th Avenue West of Lane at Commercial Drive
In May of 1995, a partial closure that restricts westbound traffic on 10th Ave. between Woodland Dr. and the lane west of Commercial Dr. (refer to map on reverse) was installed on a trial basis. Following a six-month trial period, the City sent a survey to residents to determine whether the neighbourhood supports making the temporary partial closure permanent. This 1996 survey indicated that there was strong support (78% of responses) to make this feature permanent. The City did not proceed with making this feature permanent at the time, however, due to some concerns expressed by residents about increases in traffic volumes on adjacent streets and the high number of vehicles illegally by-passing the partial closure. We have reviewed these issues and have found the following:
· Since 1996, the City has been monitoring traffic volumes on the adjacent streets including 11th Ave., Woodland Dr., and the laneways on either side of 10th. Our traffic study shows that despite a moderate increase in vehicle volumes travelling along these adjacent streets in the year following the installation, traffic volumes since 1997 have stabilized to volumes close to or less than the pre-trial values.
· In order to curtail the number of drivers by-passing the closure, the partial closure design has been modified to reduce the eastbound lane width from 5 m to 3 m, in accordance with the 1998 Canadian Traffic Calming Guide standards. The design will also incorporate a passage ramp for cyclists through the partial closure. A sketch of the proposed partial closure design is given on reverse.
Considering the strong support expressed by residents in the 1996 survey and the minimal impact the partial closure has had on traffic volumes on adjacent streets, the Engineering Department will be forwarding a report to council recommending that the partial closure be made permanent this year. If you have any comments or concerns you would like to convey before this project goes to Council for approval, please complete and return the attached form by FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd, 2001, or contact me directly at 873-7916.
Yours truly,
Melina Scholefield, EIT
City of Vancouver
Neighbourhood Transportation Branch
If you have any comments or concerns you would like to express about making the temporary partial closure permanent, please fill out and return this comment
form by Friday, March 23rd, 2001 to:
Melina Scholefield (Tel: 873-7916), Neighbourhood Transportation Branch,
453 W. 12th Ave., Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1V4
Address:___________________________________________Postal Code:____________All personal information will be kept confidential. Comments will be forwarded to City Council
Would you like to be contacted when this issue goes to council? _ Yes _ No
Map and Drawing available from City Clerk's Office
- Available from City Clerk's Office