Standing Committee on Planning and Environment


General Manager of Engineering Services


Arbutus Gardens: Left Turn Bay and Traffic Calming Measures





The purpose of this report is to recommend Council approve the proposed design of the left turn bay on Arbutus Street at Valley Drive and the traffic calming measures on Valley Drive between Arbutus Street and West 33rd Avenue.


Arbutus Gardens, built in the early 1960's, is located on the northeast corner of Arbutus Street and West 33rd Avenue (see Appendix A). Immediately north of the site is the Hellenic Community Centre of Vancouver and directly east of the site is Quilchena Park. Arbutus Gardens is bounded by the following road network:

· To the West: Arbutus Street (primary arterial, four travel lanes, transit route)
· To the South: West 33rd Avenue (secondary arterial, two travel lanes)
· To the East: Valley Drive (local street, two travel lanes)

In the afternoon peak, currently over 1000 vehicles per hour use Arbutus and over 350 vehicles per hour use West 33rd adjacent to the site. Shortcutting along Valley Drive is already a major concern in the neighbourhood. Over 50% of the vehicles on Valley Drive are using it as a through route between Arbutus and West 33rd.

In 1998, a redevelopment application to amend the CD-1 zoning of Arbutus Gardens was made to allow the existing 302 rental dwelling units be increased to 750 dwelling units. To reduce the shortcutting problem and to safely address the increased traffic pressure of 450 additional housing units at Arbutus Gardens, conditions of the rezoning application included Council's approval of the following:

· Provision of traffic calming measures on Valley Drive to discourage through traffic
· Installation of a southbound left-turn bay on Arbutus Street at Valley Drive


Traffic Calming Measures

To increase the safety and livability along Valley Drive, traffic calming measures will be provided along the length of Valley Drive bordering Quilchena Park (see Appendix B). As part of the speed hump program, residents in the neighbourhood have already been canvassed for their opinion and have approved the installation of speed humps on Valley Drive.

In addition to speed humps, corner bulges and mid-block bulges are being proposed to further discourage through traffic from using Valley Drive by making the road look more like a residential street. Corner bulges and mid-block bulges are extensions of the curb into the roadway resulting in a narrower road. Bulges are common residential treatments that reduce vehicle speeds and crossing distances for pedestrians and increase pedestrian visibility.

Left-turn Bay Design

To increase the safety for locally destined traffic a southbound left-turn bay is recommended for Arbutus Street at Valley Drive (see Appendix C). This intersection is currently controlled by a pedestrian activated signal. The left-turn bay would improve the intersection safety by removing the increased local traffic demand from the through movement on Arbutus Street.
Improvements to the intersection of Arbutus and Valley Drive for pedestrians include corner bulges with curb ramps and the construction of a sidewalk to the existing bus shelter on the east side of Arbutus, north of Valley Drive. In addition, to improve the comfort of pedestrians walking along Arbutus in this area, the sidewalk on the east side of Arbutus and south of Valley Drive will be reconstructed to include a 1.2m boulevard with planted trees. The sidewalk is currently immediately adjacent to the curb and often obstructed by transit trolley poles.

Community Feedback

Residents were provided an opportunity to comment on these proposed designs at a public information meeting on February 8, 2001. General notification of the open house was by advertisement in the Vancouver Courier, supplemented with two signs on site. Current residents of Arbutus Gardens and other local residents just north of Valley Drive and east of Arbutus were directly notified through a mail-back survey, requesting their feedback on the proposed street designs for their neighbourhood.

A total of seventy residents completed the mail-back survey for a response rate of over 25%. In general, residents supported the proposed traffic calming measures and the left-turn bay design (90%). In addition to installing speed humps along Valley Drive, residents supported the corner bulges at the intersections of Valley Drive at Arbutus and West 33rd (80%). Residents had some concern over the proposed mid-block bulges as they would eliminate some of the available parking along Valley Drive; however, 59% supported these mid-block bulges. A complete summary of the residents comments are attached in Appendix D.

The seven residents that attended the open house also generally expressed favourable support. In addition, one email has also been received supporting the overall traffic calming and intersection modifications. One written letter, one phone call, and one fax have been received objecting to the traffic calming bulges being proposed along Valley Drive.


The cost of the traffic calming on Valley Drive is estimated at $75,000 which includes speed humps, corner bulges, and mid-block bulges. The cost of the left-turn bay is estimated at $230,000 which includes paving work, new sidewalks, and relocating the east curb. As a condition of the development permit, the developer is required to pay 100% of the traffic calming measures on Valley Drive and 50% of the construction costs for the left-turn bay. The City share of $115,000 for the construction of the left-turn bay will be included in the 2001 Streets Basic Capital Budget.


As a condition of approval for the rezoning of Arbutus Gardens, traffic calming measures along Valley Drive and a left-turn bay at Arbutus Gardens are required to address the shortcutting problem along Valley Drive and safely meet the increased demand due to the redevelopment of the site. The proposed designs received favourable support from the local residents. Staff recommend Council approve the proposed designs.


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