Council Chamber
Monday, April 30, 2001
Minutes of the meetings of April 30/May 1/May 9, 2001
1. Framework for Action: A Four Pillar Approach
to Vancouver's Drug Problems
At its meeting on April 24, 2001, City Council referred the Framework for Action: A Four Pillar Approach to Vancouver's Drug Problems to a Special Council Meeting on April 30, 2001, for the purpose of hearing delegations.
The attached extract from the Council Minutes of April 24, 2001 refers.
The relevant Policy Report dated April 17, 2001 and all appendices were previously distributed and are on file in the City Clerk's Office. Link to Appendix A.
Donald MacPherson, Drug Policy Coordinator, City of Vancouver, will be present.
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RR-11. Framework for Action: A Four Pillar Approach to
Vancouver's Drug Problems
April 17, 2001 File: 4113/RTS: 2012Joan McIntyre, Consultant, Market and Opinion Research, and Donald MacPherson, Drug Policy Coordinator, City of Vancouver provided a Report Reference on the revised Framework for Action: A Four Pillar Approach to Vancouver's Drug Problems report, dated April 24, 2001.
Ms. McIntyre reported the public consultation feedback reflected the views of over 1800 people who participated in the consultation process between November 21, 2000 and March 15, 2001. The public feedback revealed support for the four major goals and for each of the 31 actions in A Framework for Action. The review of the in-put also revealed very positive feedback to the City's attempt to deal with the drug problem and the proposed four-pillar approach.
Mr. MacPherson outlined the revisions to the draft A Framework for Action paper distributed in November 2000, and highlighted the key changes in the revised report, dated April 24, 200. The revised report provides balanced public health and public order actions. All four pillars need to be interconnected and must be implemented across the city as well as regionally and nationally in order to create a comprehensive strategy. Staff sought Council endorsement of key recommendations and submitted the following for consideration:
A. THAT Council adopt the revised Framework for Action: A Four Pillar Approach to Drug Problems in Vancouver as the basis for the City's continuing effort to work with the provincial and federal governments and the community to address the issue of substance misuse in Vancouver;B. THAT Council direct staff to continue to work through our Vancouver Agreement partners to implement the Framework for Action;
C. THAT Council make the Framework for Action paper available to Vancouver's Coalition for Crime Prevention and Drug Treatment partners, the broader community and the provincial and federal government;
D. THAT Council thank the Coalition partners and the community for their participation and ongoing involvement to assist the City of Vancouver to improve crime prevention and drug treatment.
MOVED by Cllr. Bass,
THAT the following motion be included for consideration:
E. THAT an Operational Plan be drafted within three months which includes:
i) Defined goals aimed at specific outcomes, including reduced drug-induced deaths, reduced drug-induced morbidity and reduced drug-related crime (that includes: lowering drug-related deaths, reducing the occurrence of HIV in IV-drug-users, and lowering the frequency of drug-related robberies);
ii) Measurable indicators identified for each goal, including some indicators focused on outcome and other indicators focused on process (to reach the outcomes) and a fully-budgeted plan to monitor these outcomes every 2-3 years;
iii) A single agency to administer, supervise, and maintain budgetary control of all programs aimed at the goals and monitored indicators noted above and that program content be based on scientific evidence and outcome evaluation wherever possible;
iv) The single agency adjusting program priorities, program operations, and program budgets based on the results of the monitoring noted in (ii) and on program evaluation.
- postponed
Council agreed to postpone consideration of the above motions until after having heard from speakers at a Special Council meeting to be held on Monday, April 30, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver