Privatization of GVWD Seymour Filtration Plant File: 3753
MOVED by Cllr. Bass,
SECONDED by Cllr. ,
WHEREAS the Greater Vancouver Water District (GVWD) is proposing to enter into a public-private partnership for the design, construction and operation of a new Seymour Water Filtration plant;
AND WHEREAS entry into such a partnership, within the context of existing or proposed international agreements on the trade of goods and services, has serious implications for the public supply and regulation of water resources and services;
AND WHEREAS a 1995 consultant's report to the GVWD concluded that the legal and financial risks and liabilities inherent in such a project would be placed solely upon the public interest within such a partnership;
AND WHEREAS there has been no substantial process to inform the public of this proposed partnership and its potential risks, nor to solicit public opinion on it;
AND WHEREAS North Vancouver City Council will consider a similar motion on April 23, 2001;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Vancouver City Council request the GVWD to develop and implement a public involvement process prior to any final decision being made to go forward with such a partnership.
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