Final Estimates

City of Vancouver Appendix 1
2001 Final Operating Estimates







change change
($000s) ($000s) ($000s)
SECTION 1: Summary of Revenues
Taxation Revenues:
Base Levy 371,266 367,138 (4,128) -1.1%
New Construction 0 5,080 5,080
Net Taxation Revenues 371,266 372,218 952 0.3%
Tax Adjustments (4,597) (1,750) 2,847 -61.9%
Receipts in Lieu of Taxes 29,897 32,084 2,187 7.3%
Local Improvement Taxes 4,640 4,537 (103) -2.2%
Penalties and Interest 4,900 5,200 300 6.1%
Total Revenue from Taxation 406,107 412,290 6,183 1.5%
Other Revenues:
Provincial - Revenue Sharing Programs 9,557 6,060 (3,497) -36.6%
Interest on Temporary Investments 10,850 11,400 550 5.1%
License Fees 11,293 11,549 257 2.3%
Property Rentals 1,415 1,279 (136) -9.6%
Municipal By-Law Fines 9,035 9,263 9,308 45 0.5%
On Street Parking Revenue 13,840 14,900 14,575 (325) -2.2%
Service and Inspection Fees 17,485 16,375 17,857 1,482 9.1%
Civic Theatres Revenue 4,480 4,829 5,353 524 10.9%
Park Board Revenues 25,157 25,092 25,845 753 3.0%
Miscellaneous Revenues 4,528 5,300 5,496 197 3.7%
Total Other Revenues 102,605 108,872 108,722 (150) -0.1%
Utility Fees
Waterworks 51,223 53,708 55,067 1,360 2.5%
Solid Waste 20,729 23,146 23,672 526 2.3%
Sewers 0 13,119 26,278 13,160 100.3%
Total Utility Fees 71,952 89,972 105,017 15,045 16.7%
Total Revenues before Transfers 578,788 604,950 626,029 21,078 3.5%
Transfer from Other Funds/Reserves:
Sinking Fund Prior Year Surplus 4,795 4,402 3,326 (1,076) -24.4%
Property Endowment Fund 7,000 7,000 7,000 0 0.0%
Art Gallery Reserve 187 160 160 0 0.0%
Total Transfer from Other Funds 13,782 11,562 10,486 (1,076) -9.3%
Total Revenues before Tax Increase 592,570 616,513 636,515 20,002 3.2%
Indicated Tax Increase 0.0%
Incremental Tax Revenue 0
Total Revenues 592,570 616,513 636,515
SECTION 2: Summary of Expenditures
General Government:
Mayor & Councillors 1,309 1,371 1,369 (1) -0.1%
City Manager / EEO 1,092 1,117 1,167 50 4.5%
City Clerk 2,968 2,297 2,361 64 2.8%
Legal Services 2,768 3,029 3,229 200 6.6%
Financial Services 7,358 8,377 8,786 409 4.9%
Information Technology 7,839 8,898 9,128 230 2.6%
Real Estate and Property Management 5,155 5,609 6,068 459 8.2%
Human Resourses 3,334 3,927 4,582 655 16.7%
Other General Government 6,803 3,061 3,225 165 5.4%
Community Services Administration 7,172 7,034 6,936 (98) -1.4%
Housing Programs 1,183 1,242 1,293 52 4.1%
City Wide & Community Planning 5,745 7,710 8,808 1,099 14.3%
Total General Government 52,725 53,670 56,952 3,282 6.1%
Protection to Persons & Property:
Police Services 120,474 116,543 120,014 3,472 3.0%
Fire & Rescue Services 62,188 62,852 62,487 (365) -0.6%
E-COMM Services 10,585 11,025 440 4.2%
Permits & Licenses 11,488 11,228 12,084 856 7.6%
Animal Control 762 808 985 178 22.0%
Vancouver Emergency Program 199 885 967 83 9.3%
Total Protection to Persons & Property 195,110 202,900 207,564 4,663 2.3%
Public Works
Administration & General 4,706 7,896 6,659 (1,237) -15.7%
On Street Parking Program 5,160 6,134 6,569 436 7.1%
Traffic Planning and Control 5,373 5,243 5,119 (124) -2.4%
Street Lighting & Communications 4,837 5,479 6,001 522 9.5%
Solid Waste Management (1) 0 0
Street Cleaning 6,209 5,656 5,761 105 1.9%
Sewers Operations 0
Streets, Bridges & Walkways 12,769 13,223 14,026 803 6.1%
Total Public Works 39,055 43,632 44,136 505 1.2%
Utilities - Waterworks
Operating Costs 6,611 7,018 7,160 142 2.0%
Water Purchase 20,712 22,512 24,445 1,933 8.6%
City Debt Charges 21,248 24,686 23,462 (1,224) -5.0%
Transfer to/(from) Reserve 2,652 (508) 0 508 -100.0%
51,223 53,708 55,067 1,360 2.5%
Utilities - Solid Waste
Operating Costs 19,717 22,724 23,172 448 2.0%
Transfer to/(from) Reserve 1,012 422 500 78 18.5%
20,729 23,146 23,672 526 2.3%
Utilities - Sewer
City Operating Costs 4,295 4,016 5,904 1,889 47.0%
City Debt Charges 26,078 24,635 20,362 (4,273) -17.3%
Regional Sewerage Levy 28,162 29,747 31,477 1,730 5.8%
Transfer to/(from) Reserve 0 (550) 0 550 -100.0%
58,535 57,847 57,743 (105) -0.2%
Recreation & Community Services:
Parks & Recreation 64,730 66,854 70,889 4,035 6.0%
Britannia Service Centre 2,286 2,275 2,440 165 7.2%
Social Planning 1,616 1,058 1,085 28 2.6%
Office of Cultural Affairs 575 335 (240) -41.8%
Carnegie Centre 2,072 2,097 2,232 136 6.5%
Dowtown South Gathering Place 1,499 1,557 1,754 197 12.6%
Vancouver Public Library 25,810 27,983 28,680 697 2.5%
Civic Theatres 4,797 5,104 5,616 513 10.0%
Archives 563 589 599 10 1.7%
Cemetery 506 771 771 0 0.0%
Total Recreation & Community Services 103,881 108,862 114,401 5,539 5.1%
Civic Grant Program 10,260 10,427 10,431 4 0.0%
Contingency Reserve 1,809 803 4,878 4,075 507.3%
Total Before Debt Charges & Transfers 533,327 554,995 574,844 19,848 3.6%
General Debt Charges
General Debt Charges 36,229 40,695 38,185 (2,510) -6.2%
Local Improvements 4,610 4,640 4,537 (103) -2.2%
Debt Repayment Reserve 0 (550) 0 550 -100.0%
Total Debt Charges 40,839 44,785 42,722 (2,063) -4.6%
Transfers to Reserves/Funds
Capital Purposes 10,214 10,500 12,600 2,100 20.0%
Other Transfers 4,852 6,232 6,349 116 1.9%
Total Transfers to Reserves/Funds 15,066 16,732 18,949 2,216 13.2%
Total Expenditures 589,232 616,513 636,515 20,002 3.2%
Estimated Revenue Surplus 3,338 0 0
Total Expenditures & Revenue Surplus 592,570 616,513 636,515 20,001 3.2%
Percent Change in Expenditures 4.6% 3.2%

Last Updated on 4/17/01