Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


General Manager of Engineering Services
Manager of Materials Management


Award of Tender No. PS01024
Supply of Asphalts - Liquid and Paving (Grade 80-100 and MC250)




The policy of Council is to award contracts for the purchase of equipment, supplies and services that will give the highest value based on quality, service and price.

Contracts with a value over $300,000 are referred to Council.


Tenders for the above were opened on April 3, 2001 and referred to the General Managerof Engineering Services and the Manager of Materials Management for report. The Provincial Sales Tax, where applicable, and the 7% Goods and Services Tax (less any anticipated receipt of the municipal rebate) are included in the prices shown in this report.

The tender was advertised in the local newspaper as well as the internet.

The tender requested pricing for the supply of two items of asphalts, grade 80-100, group A and MC250, based on rack (market) or crude based pricing and alternative firm pricing. The rack and crude based pricing would fluctuate throughout the contract period while the discount and freight charges would remain the same. Firm pricing would be fixed for a 12-month period.

Upon mutual agreement between the City and the contractor, the City has the right to change the pricing arrangement on the contract anniversary date, i.e. rack or crude based pricing to firm pricing.

Funds are provided by the revenues of the Asphalt Plant operations.

Two firms submitted tenders. Both offered the rack (market) based pricing and the alternative firm pricing as summarized below. No bids were received based on crude.


Rack (Market) Based Pricing
Estimated 12-month Total
(including GST & PST as applicable)

Item 1
80-100, group A

Item 2

Husky Oil Marketing Co.

$ 810,682.50

$ 165,056.14

Imperial Oil

$ 866,529.00

$ 150,969.43


Alternative Firm Pricing
Estimated 12-month Total
(including GST & PST as applicable)

Item 1
80-100, group A

Item 2

Husky Oil Marketing Co.

$ 1,002,082.50

$ 168,425.16

Imperial Oil

$ 1,081,029.00

$ 182,362.57

Although there is a risk that rack prices may rise and our contract will be affected, since the firm pricing is approximately 24% higher for item 1 and 12% higher for item 2, we are recommending acceptance of a rack based pricing arrangement, specifically the low bids meeting specifications - Item 1 to Husky Oil Marketing Co. and Item 2 to Imperial Oil.

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