MARCH 15, 2001
A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on Planning and Environment was held on Thursday, March 15, 2001, at 2:00 p.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.
Councillor Don Lee, Acting Chair
Councillor Lynne Kennedy, Chair (Leave of Absence) |
Judy Rogers, City Manager |
Diane M. Clairmont, Meeting Coordinator |
* denotes presence for a portion of the meeting
The Minutes of the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting of February 22, 2001, were adopted.
1. Warning to Prospective Purchasers of 3489 Napier Avenue File: 2701
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated February 23, 2001 in which the City Building Inspector recommended approval to file a 336D Notice against the property at 3489 Napier Avenue to warn prospective purchasers of contraventions of the Zoning and Development and Vancouver Building By-law related to this building. It was further recommended the Director of Legal Services be authorized to commence legal action if she deems it appropriate. The General Manager of Community Services supported the recommendations.
Peter Sweeney, Building Inspections Branch, reviewed the report.
The following motion by Councillor Louis was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A. THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the title to the property at 3489 Napier Street (Lot 14, Block 8, District Lot Sec 26 SE Qtr THSL, Plan 2588) in order to warn prospective purchasers that there are contraventions of the Zoning and Development and Vancouver Building By-laws related to this building.
B. THAT the Director of Legal Services is hereby authorized, in her discretion, to commence a legal action or proceeding in relation to the premises located at 3489 Napier Street and may, in her discretion, seek injunctive relief in that action or proceeding, in order to bring this building into compliance with City By-laws.
(Councillors Clarke and McCormick not present for the vote)
2. Warning to Prospective Purchasers of 2082 Mannering Avenue File: 2701
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated February 21, 2001 in which the City Building Inspector recommended approval to file a 336D Notice against the property at 2082 Mannering Avenue to warn prospective purchasers of contraventions of the Zoning and Development and Vancouver Building By-law related to this building. It was further recommended the Director of Legal Services be authorized to commence legal action if she deems it appropriate. The General Manager of Community Services supported the recommendations.
Peter Sweeney, Building Inspections Branch, reviewed the report and responded to questions.
Kin-yu Cheung, property owner, with aid of an interpreter, advised he is willing to comply with the process of permit application which to date has not been submitted.
The following motion by Councillor McCormick was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A. THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the title to the property at 2082 Mannering Avenue (Lot 23, Block D, District Lot 393, Plan 1955) in order to warn prospective purchasers that there are contraventions of the Zoning and Development and Vancouver Building By-laws related to this building.
B. THAT the Director of Legal Services is hereby authorized, in her discretion, to commence a legal action or proceeding in relation to the premises located at 2082 Mannering Avenue and may, in her discretion, seek injunctive relief in that action or proceeding, in order to bring this building into compliance with City By-laws.
3. 3124 West Broadway - Class `D' Neighbourhood Pub
The Fringe Café Ltd. File: 2615-25
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated March 1, 2001 in which the Chief License Inspector submitted options for Council to consider regarding the application by The Fringe Café Ltd. for a 46-seat with four seat patio Class `D' Neighbourhood Pub to replace the existing Restaurant Class-1 at 3124 West Broadway. The General Manager of Community Services submitted the choice of Recommendation A or B for consideration.
Guy Gusdal, License Coordinator, reviewed the report and responded to questions.
Rob Clarke, Owner, noted the Public Hearing process was informal and resulted in 85% support for the application.
The following motion by Councillor Clarke was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
THAT Council, having considered the opinion of area residents and business operators of the community as determined by neighbourhood notification and public meeting, and having considered the proximity of residential developments, traffic patterns, road access, availability of parking, noise impacts and the overall design, endorse the application by The Fringe Café Ltd., for a 46-seat with four seat patio Class `D' Neighbourhood Pub at 3124 West Broadway, subject to:
i. A Time-Limited Development Permit, including a condition that the neighbourhood pub not be used in conjunction with another liquor license use.
ii. A signed Legal Agreement for a new establishment prior to the first renewal of the development permit which will include a provision to hold the seating capacity to current numbers, regardless of any changes to the seating capacity regulations as a result of the Provincial Liquor License Regulations review.
iii. The signing of a Good Neighbour Agreement prior to the issue of a Business License.
iv. The hours of operation be limited to 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight Sunday to Thursday and 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday.
Clause No. 3 (cont'd)
v. The patio closing at 11:00 p.m.
vi. No live amplified musical instruments permitted and all live entertainment will be limited to a maximum of two performers at any given time.
4. Supply of Diesel and Gasoline Fuels File: 1805
At its meeting on March 13, 2001, Vancouver City Council referred the Administrative Report dated February 21, 2001 to the March 15, 2001, Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting in order to hear from speakers.
Accordingly, the Committee had the report before it in which the General Manager of Corporate Services in consultation with the General Manager of Engineering Services sought Council approval for the City to continue purchasing diesel and gasoline fuel on the British Columbia Petroleum Products Buying Group contract which was re-negotiated with Chevron Canada Limited for a 2-year term plus two 1-year extensions.
Carol Wyatt, Purchasing, and Jody Andrews and Doug Manarin, both Engineering, reviewed the report and responded to questions relating to environmental impacts of fuel choices, composition of the buying group and benefits of group participation. It was noted there would be higher operating costs if the City fleet was converted and the power of the bulk purchasing agreement would be lost as the same pricing would be unattainable if not in the group.
Concerns were expressed regarding Chevron Canada's adherence to City by-laws relating to disabled patrons. The City Manager advised this issue is being reviewed by the Law Department.
David Cadman, SPEC, spoke in opposition to the recommendation. Comments included:
· Chevron's refinery does not produce D1 diesel fuel which is more environmentally sound
· group purchase is beneficial; however, another source should be found to obtain D1 at a comparable price
· particulate emissions from diesel engines are environmentally detrimental
· converting to D2 indicates standards are being lowered
Clause No. 4 (cont'd)
Staff responded to questions relating to content of fuels, measures of emissions and efficiency along with environmental impacts.
Dave Rudberg, General Manager of Engineering, advised staff is reviewing standards and applications, along with pollution and cost impacts. It was also noted that both D1 and D2 are rated under current standards.
The following motion by Councillor Clarke was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
THAT Council, not withstanding Council policy to tender all contracts over $100,000, approve the renewal of the contract with Chevron Canada Limited, for the supply of diesel and gasoline fuels for an additional 2-year period from June 01, 2001 with optional two 1-year extensions, at an estimated annual cost of $3,200,000, including all applicable taxes.
(Councillors Bass and Louis opposed)
The following motion by Councillor Bass was put and tabled.
WHEREAS the City of Vancouver's contract with Chevron Canada Ltd. for the supply of diesel and gasoline fuels is due for renewal on June 01, 2001;
AND WHEREAS the City currently purchases only No. 2D diesel rather than cleaner No. 1D diesel fuel for its fleet of diesel-powered trucks and machinery;
AND WHEREAS No. 2D, at 0.4% wt sulphur content, contains twice the sulphur of No1D diesel which has .02% sulphur content, and therefore may emit higher levels of potentially carcinogenic fine diesel particulates;
AND WHEREAS the GVRD air quality department recognizes fine diesel particulate as "one of the more toxic air contaminants",
Clause No. 4 (cont'd)
AND WHEREAS a February 14, 2001 study conducted by Dr. M. Brauer of the UBC School of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene for the Medical Health Officers of the four lower mainland Health Boards concluded that:
· Between 15 and 150 deaths per year in the lower mainland may be attributable to air pollution, and
· There is evidence that pollutants formed as a result of burning fuels are more harmful than natural materials such as windblown dust,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Vancouver adopt a policy of using only the cleanest and least polluting fuels in its vehicles and machinery;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City of Vancouver provide cleaner No. 1D diesel fuel for City vehicles and machinery.
- tabled
The following motion by Councillor Puil was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
THAT consideration of the motion be tabled.
(Councillors Bass and Louis opposed)
(Councillors Clarke, Price and Mayor Owen not present for the vote)
5. Liquid Waste Management Plan - Stage 3 File: 3753
At its meeting on March 13, 2001, Vancouver City Council referred the Policy Report dated February 26, 2001 to the March 15, 2001, Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting in order to hear from speakers.
Accordingly, the Committee had the report before it in which the General Manager of Engineering Services requested Council endorse the GVRD's Stage 3 Liquid Waste Management Plan (LWMP).
Clause No. 5 (cont'd)
Peter Judd, Engineering, reviewed the report and responded to questions.
Fred Nenninger, LWMP Project Manager, GVRD, responded to questions relating to liquid waste management methods, measurements and environmental impacts.
David Cadman, SPEC, spoke in opposition to the recommendation. Comments included:
· more controls are required at source; if waste not in sewage at outset, cleanup at end is less costly; education needed in residential and industrial sectors
· LWMP should include upgrading of secondary treatment at Iona/ Lion's Gate; funding would be split: 1/3 Federal; 1/3 Provincial; 1/3 Municipal including portion from permit costs
· adoption of proposed plan would cause long-term damage to wildlife and may be in violation of Fisheries' Act
Doug Roberts, Manager, Environmental Protection, and Mr. Nenninger, responded to questions regarding source control, monitoring and enforcement measures.
The following motion by Councillor Puil was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
THAT Council adopt the waste management plan entitled "Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) Liquid Waste Management Plan, February 2001" and authorize the GVRD to submit the Liquid Waste Management Plan to the British Columbia Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks for approval pursuant to Section 18(1) of the British Columbia Waste Management Act.
(Councillors Bass and Louis opposed)
The following motion by Councillor Louis was put and tabled.
WHEREAS the existing combined sewer stormwater outfall (CSO) system pours up to three billion litres a year of raw sewage into Burrard Inlet, False Creek and the Fraser River;
Clause No. 5 (cont'd)
AND WHEREAS the proposed GVRD Liquid Waste Management Plan (LWMP) will not eliminate the dumping of raw sewage through CSOs until 2050;
AND WHEREAS the continued dumping of raw sewage could violate the federal Fisheries Act;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Vancouver ask the GVRD to amend the LWMP to:
· Upgrade the Iona and Lions Gate sewage treatment plants to match the secondary treatment standards at the Annacis and Lulu Island plants;
· Take immediate steps to stop raw sewage overflow discharges by seeking existing federal infrastructure funds to establish a ten year timeline for CSO conversions;
· Launch a major public education program to stop toxics at source from entering the sewage system
- tabled
The following motion by Councillor Clarke was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
THAT consideration of the motion be tabled.
(Councillors Bass and Louis opposed)
The Committee adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
- - - - -
MARCH 15, 2001
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Thursday, March 15, 2001, at 4:30 p.m. in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.
Mayor Philip Owen
Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Leave of Absence) |
Judy Rogers, City Manager |
Diane M. Clairmont, Meeting Coordinator |
MOVED by Cllr. McCormick,
SECONDED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the chair.
1. 201 Burrard Street (Burrard Landing): Text Amendment for CD-1 By-law No. 7679 File: 5303
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke
A. THAT the application by Baker McGarva Hart Architecture, on behalf of Marathon Developments Inc., to amend CD-1 By-law No. 7679 (# 363) for 201 Burrard Street (Burrard Landing) to allow in Sub-Area 1, (a) increases in the height of two buildings, and (b) Hotel and Live/Work uses, be referred to Public Hearing together with:
(i) revised plans received February 15, 2001;
(ii) draft amendments to CD-1 By-law No. 7679 generally as presented in Appendix A;
(iii) the recommendation of the Director of Current Planning to approve the application, including a reduction in requested maximum building height for the proposed hotel on development parcel 2A, and subject to approval of Recommendation B; and
(iv) draft amendments to the CD-1 Guidelines (Burrard Landing) generally as presented in Appendix C.
AND FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary By-law for consideration at the Public Hearing.
B. THAT, the Director of Current Planning be instructed to make application to amend the Coal Harbour Official Development Plan, By-law No. 6754, and that the application be referred to Public Hearing together with draft amendments generally as presented in Appendix D.
(Councillors Bass and Louis opposed)
Report of Standing Committee on Planning and Environment
March 15, 2001
Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in the following clauses of the foregoing report:
Cl.1: Warning to Prospective Purchasers of 3489 Napier Street
C1.2: Warning to Prospective Purchasers of 2082 Mannering Avenue
C1.3: 3124 West Broadway - Class `D' Neighbourhood Pub - The Fringe
C1.4: Supply of Diesel and Gasoline Fuels
C1.5: Liquid Waste Management Plan - Stage 3
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause 1 -3 of this report, be approved.
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause 4 and 5 of this report, be approved.
(Councillors Bass and Louis opposed)
MOVED by Cllr. McCormick,
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
The Council adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
* * * * *