Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Standing Committee on Planning & Environment


General Manager of Engineering Services in Consultation with the Director of Legal Services


Woodward's Redevelopment - Tunnel and Areaways Decommissioning





The General Manager of Engineering Services presents Item A for consideration and recommends Items B and C.


There is no Council policy directly related to this matter.

The Encroachment By-Law establishes fees to be charged for encroachments, and a requirement for cancellation provisions, but does not establish criteria for setting aside fees.

On January 7, 1999, Council approved the recommendations in a report from the General Manager of Engineering Services dated December 1, 1998 in regard to the "Woodward's Redevelopment Encroaching Elements onto Cordova Street, Abbott Street and Hastings Street and Related Fee Matters". Those recommendations are listed in Appendix "A".


The purpose of this report is to seek Council direction in regard to annual fees for the Areaways, the Tunnel and the Overpass encroaching from the Woodward's Building. Consideration is sought in regard to authorizing the Director of Legal Services to enter into an agreement with the Woodward's Owner to achieve decommissioning of the Areaways and the Tunnel. Council approval of a payment in lieu for repairs to the City Parkade is also sought.


On January 7, 1999, Council approved a series of Recommendations (see Appendix "A") intended to:

1. Forgive the Woodward's Owner (then Fama Holdings Ltd.) the annual fees for encroaching elements from the Woodward's Building including the Areaways, the Tunnel and the Overpass on certain conditions; and

2. Achieve elimination (decommissioning) of the Areaways, the Tunnel and the Overpass including repairs to the Parkade by November 30, 2000.

The required work has not been completed. Staff have received a request from Fama that seeks to extend the intent of the January 7, 1999 approvals to November 30, 2005. Since receiving this request, we have learned that the Provincial Rental Housing Corporation (the "PRHC") has agreed to purchase the Woodward's Building. They seek the same consideration.


On November 27, 1995, the City entered into an agreement with Fama in regard to lands comprising the Woodward's Building at 101 West Hastings Street.

On December 12, 1995, Fama became the owner of the Woodward's Building. (While Fama remains the owner, at the time of preparation of this report, the PRHC has agreed to purchase the Woodward's Building). The site of the Woodward's Building has now been subdivided to form a single parcel being Lot E, Block 4, Old Granville Townsite, Plan LMP 40092. The City, on this same date, became the owner of certain lands on the north side of Cordova Street which formed the former Woodward's Parkade (the "Parkade").

On October 20, 1997, the Development Permit Board approved Development Application DE 217797. The application permitted significant renovations and additions to the former Woodward's Building at 101 West Hastings Street. While the new development has not proceeded resolution of certain conditions placed on the development approval are still desirable. These include:

"A.2.2. Arrangements shall be made to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services for:

In 1998, we received a request from Fama asking that they be exempted from any annual rentals relating to "all existing and proposed encroachments" and further, that annual rentals/fees related to the Tunnel, Areaways and the Overpass be forgiven to the date of purchase (December 12, 1995) of the Woodward's Building by Fama.

This led to a report dated December 1, 1998 from the General Manager of Engineering Services in consultation with the Director of Legal Services and the (then) Manager of Real Estate Services that recommended the annual rentals be forgiven subject to certain conditions. The entire set of Recommendations are listed in Appendix "A"; however, the significant conditions for Council were:

a. That the Areaways and the Tunnel be decommissioned (filled and sealed) prior to November 30, 2000;

b. If not all annual fees from December 12, 1995 to November 30, 2000 would be considered due and payable by the Woodward's Owner;

c. Completion of repairs to the City-owned Parkade or payment in lieu to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services, the Director of Real Estate Services and the Director of Legal Services.

As of February 21, 2001, the work to fill and seal the Areaways and the Tunnel has not been completed nor has the Woodward's Owner paid the outstanding fees. These would be, in the case of the Areaways, $19,729.00 in 1996 and $19,744.00 in each of 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000 for a total of $98,705.00 in the years 1996 to 2000. The annual fees for the Areaways accrue on July 1st of each year.

These fees would be, in the case of the Tunnel, $4,204.00 in 1996 and $4,219.00 in each of 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000 for a total of $21,080.00 in the years 1996 to 2000. The annual fees for the Tunnel accrue on December 1st of each year.

As to the Loading Area, the City was to receive $4,000.00 per year for use. As the Loading Area has never been put to use by the Woodward's Building, those fees have not been collected. The City would be forgiving an aggregate of $20,000.00 for the five (5) years, to date.

In regard to the Overpass, it is fully removed but repairs to the Parkade are not complete nor has a payment in lieu been completed. In regard to the Overpass, the unpaid fees for 1996, 1997 and 1998 total $84,120.00. As the annual fees would not apply after the Overpass was removed (in 1998), the only outstanding obligation is the repair to the Parkade or the payment in lieu.

When the matter was raised with Fama in the late summer of 2000, they again sought to have the outstanding fees suspended and asked that the time to complete the work be extended. Fama continues to argue that the encroachments are not being used and therefore they should not have to pay. Staff indicated we would be prepared to work towards an agreement that would secure the obligations in the form of a contract registered on title. Recently, staff have been advised that the PRHC has agreed to purchase the Woodward's Building. The solicitor acting for the PRHC has indicated they are prepared to enter the agreement now being finalized with Fama.

The general terms of the contract are listed in Consideration A. The highlights are:

The contract will also contain other terms and conditions including indemnities to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services and the General Manager of Engineering Services.

In regard to Recommendations B and C, the Overpass has been gone for some time. The repairs to the Parkade have not been completed as its future is not fully known. Estimates for the repairs have ranged from $50,000.00 up to $60,000.00 depending on the quantity of work to be done.

So as to achieve closure on all the Overpass issues, staff are recommending a payment in lieu of $50,000.00 including any and all applicable taxes to satisfy the Woodward's Owner's obligations. This will result in forgiveness of outstanding annual fees and will allow the existing registered charge to be released.


Staff present Item A for consideration only. If Council chooses to support Item A, the result will be that the Woodward's Owner and the City enter into the Areaways and Tunnel Contract generally on the terms and conditions described herein.

If Council chooses to not support Item A, options include:

1. Instructing the Director of Legal Services to issue notice to the Woodward's Owner that the Areaways and the Tunnel are to be filled and sealed in accordance with the present registered agreements (B2872 for the Tunnel and 552716M for the Areaways). The agreements contain immediate termination clauses with the Woodward's Owner having six (6) months to complete the filling and sealing. Further instruct staff to bill for all fees due and payable in accordance with the registered charges, the Encroachment By-Law and the January 7, 1999 approvals.

2. Instructing staff that the Areaways and Tunnel may remain at this time but that all fees are to be billed for and collected in accordance with the January 7, 1999 approvals.

The General Manager of Engineering Services recommends Council approve Items B and C. The result will be to close the file on the issues related to Overpass and to leave the City with the ultimate responsibility to complete the repairs to the Parkade. On payment of the recommended $50,000.00, this is reasonable.

If Council chooses not to support Items B and C, options include:

1. Instructing the Director of Legal Services to issue notice to the Woodward's Owner that the Parkade repairs are to be made, or a payment satisfactory to the General Manager of Engineering Services is to be completed on the terms in the existing registered charge 564873M and, further, that the Director of Legal Services take whatever action is necessary to achieve the repairs.

2. Further instruct staff to bill for all fees due and payable for the Overpass for 1996, 1997 and 1998 in accordance with the registered charge, the Encroachment By-Law and the January 7, 1999 approvals.

* * * * *



ON JANUARY 7, 1999


NOTE FROM CLERK: Appendix B, C and D (site maps) are not available in electronic form - on file in the City Clerk's Office.

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