Date: February 16, 2001
Author/Local: BMcAfee/7699RTS No. 01894
CC File No. 5303/5305/5306
Council: March 6, 2001
Vancouver City Council
Director of Current Planning
Administrative CD-1 Text Amendments
THAT the Director of Current Planning be instructed to make application to amend CD-1 By-law No. 7337 for 4066 Macdonald Street/2785 Alamein Avenue and CD-1 By-law No. 8193 for 55-67 East Hastings Street to correct errors generally in accordance with Appendix A of this report, and that the application be referred to a Public Hearing.
FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary amending by-laws for consideration at Public Hearing.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.
There are no relevant policies pertaining to these amendments.
This report proposes minor amendments to CD-1 By-laws for "The Garage" at 4066 Macdonald Street/2785 Alamein Avenue and the former Lux Theatre site at 55-67 East Hastings Street. The amendments correct errors and do not compromise the intent of the original rezonings.
4066 Macdonald Street/2785 Alamein Avenue - "The Garage": The CD-1 zoning for this site was approved at Public Hearing on March 17, 1994, and enacted on September 13, 1994. The application to rezone from C-1 to CD-1 was to permit expansion of an existing non-conforming auto repair facility. One of the issues was the number of off-street parking spaces to be provided.
The draft CD-1 By-law posted at the Public Hearing limited parking to a maximum of 21 spaces. No minimum number was proposed. At the Hearing, Council approved and amendment to the draft By-law to require a minimum of 15 spaces.
In error, the figure 15 was expressed as the maximum, and no minimum was included in the enacted By-law. The By-law should be amended to reference both a maximum of 21 spaces and minimum of 15 spaces.
55-67 East Hastings Street (Former Lux Theatre Site): The CD-1 zoning for this site was approved at Public Hearing on February 22, 2000 and enacted on May 2, 2000. The application to rezone from DEOD to CD-1 was to permit a nine-storey non-market mixed use building. When the CD-1 By-law was developed to reflect the form of development drawings that were posted at the Hearing, a normal amenity area exclusion clause was inadvertently omitted. The By-law needs to be corrected to permit up to 10 percent of the permitted residential floor area to be excluded for amenity areas in order that development and building permits can be issued.
The Director of Current Planning recommends these administrative amendments be referred to Public Hearing and be approved.
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1. CD-1(328) By-law No. 7337 - (4066 Macdonald Street/2785 Alamein Avenue)
- Amend the section to require a minimum of 15 and to permit a maximum of 21 off-street parking spaces (Section 6 [Off-Street Parking and Loadings]).
2. CD-1(403) By-law No. 8193 (55-67 East Hastings Street)
- Add an amenity area exclusion clause permitting up to 10 percent of the permitted residential floor area to be excluded in the computation of floor space ratio (Section 3.4 [floor area exclusions]).
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver