Agenda Index City of Vancouver



February 20, 2001



MOVED by Cllr. Louis,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,


1. Regular Council - January 9, 2001

MOVED by Cllr. Louis,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,

2. Special Council (Public Hearing) - January 25, 2001

MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. McCormick,

3. Regular Council - February 13, 2001

MOVED by Cllr. Louis,
SECONDED by Cllr. McCormick,


MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,


1. (a) VanMap for the Public

MOVED by Cllr. Bass,


1. Payment-in-Lieu of Parking Application - 1286 Homer Street

MOVED by Cllr. Louis,
A. THAT Council approve in principle, the offer of payment-in-lieu in the amount of $27,000 by 1280 Enterprises Ltd. for the waiver of 2 parking spaces required by Section 4.1.2 of the Parking By-law; and

B. THAT the Director of Legal Services be requested to bring forward a by-law to amend Schedule A of the Parking By-law pursuant to Section 4.11.5 to effect this waiver.

(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote)

At 2:58 p.m., Councillor Kennedy returned to the Council Chamber.

2. Proposed Closure of a Portion of West 41st Avenue - 2060 West 41st Avenue

MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
A. THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to sign on behalf of the City, a Reference Plan attested to by Mike E. Shaw, B.C.L.S., on January 22, 2001, marginally numbered 30298-45, defining the horizontal limits of the encroachments onto West 41st Avenue (a reduced copy of which is attached as Appendix "A" to the Administrative Report, dated February 2, 2001), by the building at 2060 West 41st Avenue and apply to raise a title to the portion of West 41st Avenue defined on the said Reference Plan, in the name of the City of Vancouver.

C. THAT the fees for document preparation, registration and use of the easement referred to in Recommendation "B", are to be in accordance with those charged for in an agreement prepared pursuant to the Encroachment By-law.

3. Amendment to Vancouver Development Cost Levy By-law No. 8149: Definition of "industrial zone"

MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,

(Councillor Price absent for the vote)

4. Milross Avenue, a New Public Street Name

MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
A. THAT a new public street, lying north of National Avenue and running east-west between Main Street and Quebec Street, be named Milross Avenue.

B. THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to bring forward the appropriate amendments to the Street Name By-Law.

(Councillor Price absent for the vote)

5. Grant Allocations of Year 2001 - Community Safety Funding Program

MOVED by Cllr. Puil,

6. Fuel Systems Funding

MOVED by Cllr. Louis,
A. THAT Council approve funding of $200,000 for the purchase and installation of automatic tank level sensing equipment and environmental upgrades for the Manitoba fuel station as required to meet Fire By-law regulations; source of funding to be a loan from the Capital Financing Fund on terms acceptable to the Director of Finance, to be repaid over a five year period.

B. THAT Council authorize the Park Board to transfer up to $115,000 from existing capital accounts for the installation of new fuel management system equipment at four Park Board fuelling locations as required to enable the Park Board to continue to be a part of the corporate fuel operation.

C. THAT Council approve funding of $500,000 for the purchase and installation of vehicle hardware and additional fuel station hardware for the cardless automated fuel management system; $450,000 in funding to be provided from the Truck Plant Account and capitalized against vehicle outfitting costs, and $50,000 in funding to be provided from a loan from the Capital Financing Fund on terms acceptable to the Director of Finance, both to be repaid by savings from the new fuel management system.




7. Symphony of Fire

MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
A. THAT Council deem a summer fireworks event similar to the Symphony of Fire to be a civic event, and cover direct City costs, on condition that private sponsors be secured to fund the rest of the event.

B. THAT a not-for-profit society be established to secure corporate sponsorship and organize the production of a summer fireworks event; and that the structure and composition of that Society be satisfactory to the Director of Legal Service and the City Manager.

C. THAT staff report back on the final details and cost estimates to provide city services for the event for inclusion in the 2001 operating budget.


(Councillor Sullivan absent for the vote)


(Councillors Clarke, Kennedy, Don Lee, McCormick, Price,
and the Mayor opposed)
(Councillor Sullivan absent for the vote)


B. THAT a not-for-profit society be established to secure corporate sponsorship and organize the production of a summer fireworks event; and that the structure and composition of that Society be satisfactory to the Director of Legal Service and the City Manager.

C. THAT staff report back on the final details and cost estimates to provide city services for the event for inclusion in the 2001 operating budget, and further that staff identify all possible sources of funds to cover the direct City costs, including the Tourism Association with the hotel tax.

(Councillor Sullivan absent for the vote)


The Council recessed at 4:30 p.m. and following a reception in honour of the retirees,
reconvened in open session at 4:50 p.m. with all members present.


1. Update on Electoral Area "A" Initiatives

MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
A. THAT Council receive this INFORMATION report about the conclusion of the recent Electoral Area `A' Governance study and the adoption of the UBC Strategic Transportation Plan and the UBC Comprehensive Community Plan.

B. THAT Council advise the Minister of Municipal Affairs, GVRD, and UBC that the City's "Principles for Amalgamation", adopted by Council on September 21, 1999, remains as the City's proposal for any future discussions of amalgamation.

C. THAT Council continue to address any issues of mutual interest between the City of Vancouver and UBC through participation on the GVRD/UBC Joint Committee and bring broader issues to the attention of the GVRD Electoral Areas Committee.

MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
D. THAT Council invite UBC to work with the City to establish a Memorandum of Understanding to address issues of mutual interest.


I. Report to Council

MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,


MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,


MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Louis,


1. A By-law to amend By-law No. 8149, being the Vancouver Development Cost Levy By-law (Definition of "Industrial Zone") By-law No. 8296
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,

MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,

2. A By-law to amend By-law No. 3575, being the Zoning and Development By-law (Miscellaneous Text Amendments) By-law No. 8297

MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. McCormick,

MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. McCormick,

(Councillors Clarke, Kennedy, Daniel Lee and Louis excused from voting)

3. A By-law to amendment various Comprehensive Development District By-laws (Miscellaneous Text Amendments) By-law No. 8298

MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. McCormick,

MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. McCormick,

(Councillors Clarke, Kennedy, Daniel Lee and Louis excused from voting)

4. A By-law to amend Schedule A to By-law No. 5261, being the

MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,

MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,

(Councillors Clarke, Kennedy, Daniel Lee and Louis excused from voting)

5. A By-law to amend By-law No. 6510, being the Sign By-law (Miscellaneous Text Amendments) By-law No. 8300

MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,

MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,

(Councillors Clarke, Kennedy, Daniel Lee and Louis excused from voting)

6. A By-law to amend By-law No. 5585, being the Zoning and Development Fee By-law (Miscellaneous Text Amendments - Housekeeping) By-law No. 8301
MOVED by Cllr. Bass,
SECONDED by Cllr. Louis,

MOVED by Cllr. Bass,
SECONDED by Cllr. Louis,

7. A By-law to amend By-law No. 6059, being the Parking By-law (Miscellaneous Text Amendments - Housekeeping) By-law No. 8302

MOVED by Cllr. Bass,
SECONDED by Cllr. Louis,

MOVED by Cllr. Bass,
SECONDED by Cllr. Louis,


A. Administrative Resolutions

1. Closing of a volumetric portion of West 41st Avenue adjacent to 2060 West 41st Avenue File: 5753
MOVED by Cllr. McCormick,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,

1. The City of Vancouver is the owner of all the streets and lanes lying within the limits of the City of Vancouver;

2. Portions of the building constructed on Lot 1 of Lot 4, Block 15, District Lot 526, Plan LMP 42396 encroach onto West 41st Avenue;

3. The portion of West 41st Avenue encroached upon, abutting said Lot 1, was dedicated by the deposit of Plan LMP 42396;

4. To provide for the registration of an easement to contain the said encroachments, as required by Section 244 of the Strata Property Act, it is necessary to raise title to the portion of street encroached upon;

5. To enable Council to grant the required easements to contain the encroachments, it is necessary for Council to close and stop-up the volumetric portion of West 41st Avenue that are encroached upon.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Director of Legal Services be authorized to make application on behalf of the City of Vancouver to raise title in the name of the City of Vancouver to that portion of road dedicated by the deposit of Plan LMP 42396, and included within the bold outline on a Reference Plan attested to by Mike E. Shaw, B.C.L.S. representing a survey completed on January 22, 2001, marginally numbered 30298-45; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT that all that volumetric portion of West 41st Avenue included within the heavy outlines and illustrated isometrically on a plan of a surveycompleted on the 22nd day of January, 2001, and certified correct by Mike E. Shaw, B.C.L.S., and marginally numbered 30298-45-A, be closed, stopped-up, and that an easement be granted to the abutting owner of Lot 1 of Lot 4, Block 15, District Lot 526, Plan LMP 42396 to contain the portions of the existing building which encroach onto West 41st Avenue. The said easement to be to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services.

B. Motions on Notice

1. Financial Audit and Review of SkyTrain Project File: 5559

MOVED by Cllr. Louis
SECONDED by Cllr. Bass,


Financial Audit and Review of TransLink File: 5561


1. Shred It on the Street File: 2640

2. Off Leash Regulations for GVRD Parks File: 3507

She advised staff will be reporting to the GVRD Board with recommendations, following a public consultation process.

3. NAFTA Tribunal Appeal of Metalclad Corporation v.

4. Business License Hearing - North Star Hotel 2711-35

5. Prostitution Offender Program File: 3504

6. Involving all Neighbours File: 4114

The Council recessed at 5:45 p.m., and reconvened
"In Camera" in the Mayor's Office.

* * * * *


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