Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


Street Naming Committee


Milross Avenue, a New Public Street Name





Council uses the Street Name By-Law, No. 4954, to name and regulate public roads in the City of Vancouver. The Street Naming Committee, a staff team, is chaired by the City Clerk, and comprised of the City Surveyor, representatives of the Planning, Legal Services, Permits & Licenses, and Fire & Rescue Services Departments. The Committee is responsible for the management of a consistent, integrated and duplication-free street name system.


This report seeks Council approval for a new public street between Main Street and Quebec Street (see attached plan on file in City Clerk's Office) under the name Milross Avenue.


The street has been designated as an Avenue in conformity to long-established practice with regard to streets on an east-west axis.

The Street Naming Committee has reviewed several proposed names for this new street, and offers Milross because the name is not duplicated elsewhere in greater Vancouver, is not likely to be confused with any other street name during an emergency situation, and has historical significance for Vancouver.

W. T. Milross was one of the 125 signers of the 1886 petition to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia for the incorporation of the Village of Granville into the City of Vancouver. Although the signer's name appears in some printed records in the form, Millross, careful examination of his handwritten signature on the petition by City archivists has established that he used the spelling, Milross.

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