Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


Director of City Plans in consultation with Director of Legal Services


Amendment to Vancouver Development Cost Levy By-law No. 8149:
Definition of "industrial zone"





On January 28, 1999, Council approved implementing the Vancouver Development Cost Levy By-law (hereinafter referred to as the "DCL By-law"), which took effect January 28, 2000. In the DCL By-law, rates for development in the City are:

The DCL By-law defines an "industrial zone" as a Zoning District which is designated by Section 9.1 of the Zoning and Development By-law as "Industrial".


This report recommends an amendment to the DCL By-law to include the Still Creek CD-1 District within the definition of "industrial zone" for the purpose of assessing DCL rates.
Should Council approve this recommendation, a draft by-law amendment is included for enactment later today (Appendix A).


Section 523D of the Vancouver Charter enables Council to establish DCLs where anticipated development will contribute to the need for one or more capital projects. Capital projects include: sewer, water, drainage and highway facilities; providing and improving park land; daycare facilities; and, replacement housing. When the DCL By-law was enacted approximately one year ago, the rate for non-residential uses in industrial zones was set at $1.00 per square foot ($10.76 per square metre) compared to $2.50 per square foot ($26.91 per square metre) for most uses in non-industrial zones. Only the industrial district schedules (e.g., I-1, I-2, M-1 etc.) were included in the definition of industrial zones.


A development application by the Vancouver Film Studios for a new building in the Still Creek CD-1 District has brought to light an issue that had not been considered in the DCL By-law. The Still Creek CD-1 District, although not included in the DCL By-law definition of "industrial zone", is actually an industrial district where developments are subject to the Still Creek Guidelines. Therefore unlike most other CD-1s, the Still Creek CD-1 confers no special permissions but includes property owner obligations to respect Still Creek. Because this CD-1 area was not included under the industrial zone definition in the DCL By-law, new industrial developments in the Still Creek CD-1 zone would be required to pay the higher non-industrial DCL rate. Staff are recommending that this anomaly be corrected now by amending the DCL By-law as set out in Appendix A attached.


Because the Still Creek CD-1 zoning confers only rights consistent with the current DCL By-law definition of "industrial zone", staff recommend the DCL By-law be amended to set the levy for non-residential uses within that area at $1.00 per square foot ($10.76 per square metre).

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Development Cost Levy By-law
Regarding Definition of "Industrial Zone"

Council will have before it today a Report from the Director of City Plans containing a Recommendation to amend the Vancouver Development Cost Levy By-law to include the area zoned Still Creek CD-1 as an industrial zone. If that Recommendation is adopted it can be implemented by enactment of the attached by-law.

Director of Legal Services
6 February 2001

BY-LAW NO. ______

A By-law to amend By-law No. 8149
being the Vancouver Development Cost Levy By-law

1. Section 2 of By-law No. 8149 is amended by deleting subsection (d) and substituting therefor the following:

2. This By-law comes into force and takes effect on the date of its passing.


City Clerk

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