Agenda Index City of Vancouver


TO: Vancouver City Council
FROM: General Manager of Corporate Services/Director of Finance
SUBJECT: Appointment of External Auditor for 2001



On October 31, 2000, Council approved the appointment of KPMG, as the City's External Auditor for a two year term commencing with the fiscal year 2001. This appointment is subject to confirmation on an annual basis in order to meet the requirements of Section 230 of the Vancouver Charter.


The purpose of this report is to recommend confirmation of KPMG as the City's External Auditor for 2001.


We have received a letter from KPMG, dated November 27, 2000, requesting confirmation of their appointment as the City's External Auditor for 2001. Their letter is attached as the Appendix (on file in the City Clerk's Office) to this report.

The fee proposal for 2001 amounts to $131,890 exclusive of GST. The 2001 fee reflects a 2.9% increase over 2000 based on the change in the Vancouver CPI for the period November, 1999 to October, 2000. The proposed fee is in accordance with the terms of their appointment for the fiscal period 2001 and 2002.


The table below shows the Year 2001 proposed fee by audit entity compared with 2000 fees (excluding GST).

Audit Program

2000 Fees

2001 Fees



City general and related funds $119,385 $122,847 $3,462 2.9
City Public Housing Corporation 8,788 9,043 255 2.9
Total Basic Fee 128,173 131,890 3,717 2.9

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