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JUNE 15, 2000
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Thursday, June 15, 2000, at 12:35 p.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.
Mayor Philip Owen
Councillor Jennifer Clarke (Civic Business)
Brent MacGregor, Deputy City Manager |
Denise Salmon, Meeting Coordinator |
MOVED by Cllr. Bass,
SECONDED by Cllr. McCormick,
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the chair.
Report of Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets
June 15, 2000
Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in the following clauses of the attached report:
Cl. 1: H.R. MacMillan Space Centre Society -
Annual Review and 2000 Operating Grant Request
Cl. 2: Street Vending in Gastown
Cl. 3: Strategy for Provision of Street Furniture and other
Public Amenities
Clause 1
This item was postponed to the July 6th meeting of the Committee, due to lack of sufficient Council members to vote on the grant.
Clause 2
MOVED by Cllr. McCormick,
THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause 2 of this report, be approved.
(Councillors Bass and Louis opposed to Recommendations C and F)
Clause 3
MOVED by Cllr. McCormick,
THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause 3 of this report, be approved.
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
SECONDED by Cllr. Daniel Lee,
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
The Council adjourned at 12:37 p.m.
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JUNE 15, 2000
A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on City Services and Budgets was held on Thursday, June 15, 2000, at 9:30 a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.
Councillor George Puil*, Chair (Items 1 & 2)
Councillor Jennifer Clarke (Civic Business)
Judy Rogers, City Manager
Denise Salmon, Meeting Coordinator |
*denotes presence for portion of the meeting
The Minutes of the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meetings of May 4 and 18, 2000, were adopted.
1. H.R. MacMillan Space Centre Society -
Annual Review and 2000 Operating Grant Request File: 4003
This item was postponed to the July 6th meeting of the Committee, due to lack of sufficient Council members to vote on the grant.
2. Street Vending in Gastown File: 1602
The Committee had before it a Policy Report, dated May 16, 2000, in which the General Manager of Engineering Services discussed the issues arising from the elimination of the Gastown Street Place Program by the GBIS, proposed policies to help resolve problems created by this cancellation, and addressed artists' opportunities in the vending and busking program.
Rowan Birch, Streets Administration Engineer, with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, reviewed the report and its recommendations, and responded to questions related to options for vending locations, and the need to accommodate all street activity safely.
Council members referred to a report prepared by Gastown Artists and Vendors, which contained alternate recommendations in response to staff's report. Mr. Birch provided staff's position on these alternate recommendations.
The following raised concerns with respect to the recommendations contained in the Administrative Report:
· Cynthia Woodward, Gastown Artists and Vendors
· Tiffany Bromley
· Sam Logan, Gastown Artists and Vendors
· George Garrison, Gastown Artists and Vendors
· Peter Berg, Gastown Artists and Vendors
· William Ferrano
· Langley Damonse, President Vancouver Vendors Association (general support)
· Patrick Jordan, Vendor
· Leanore Sali, Gastown Business Improvement Society (general support)
The following is a summary of comments made by the foregoing speakers:
· 3,000 people to date have signed a petition that supports the artists and vendors in Gastown; vendors seek Council's support in keeping Gastown's streets alive
· street vendors are appreciated by tourists, add to Gastown's ambiance, help promote the area, aid in the revitalization of crime ridden streets, and increase level of street safety
· fewer vendors provide greater opportunities for panhandlers
· concerns with staff's definition of art as opposed to jewellery
· reinstate licenses to four vendors, Peter Berg (Artist), Sam Logan (Artists),Tiffany Bromley (Rice Lady) and George Garrison (Vendor)
· the alternate recommendations submitted by the Gastown Artists and Street Vendors offer a win-win situation
· a jury process, as recommended by staff, is not necessary; the GBIS has already approved 12 people
· the 12 artists chosen under the Gastown program be given priority to draw for the five remaining vacant positions
· all "Artists' Permits" should be renewable annually, similar to other permits
· encourage the City to consider opening up other locations for vending, i.e. Georgia, Robson, Burrard, west of Denman, Library Square, 200 Granville Plaza
· a ten metre space should be implemented between "Portrait Artists" and other existing vendors
· combine the two open lottery locations with the five "Artists' Permits" for a total of seven "Artists' Permits".
The following motion by Councillor Louis was put and lost,
THAT the eight recommendations contained in the alternate report submitted by the Gastown Artists and Vendors, and set out below, be approved:
THAT the 12 displaced vending licensees be broken down into two groups (as suggested in part by the GMES): Portrait Artists on the one part and the Artists and Vendors on the other.
THAT the Portrait Artists become immediately eligible for Busking Permits, operating under the guidelines approved for the busking program.
THAT the remaining displaced Gastown Artists and Vendors, Peter Berg (Artist), Sam Logan (Artist), Tiffany Bromley (Rice Lady), and George Garrison (Vendor) qualify for City of Vancouver vending licenses as previously enjoyed under the administration of the Gastown Business Improvement Society (four in total). Locations for these sites shall remain as those fixed by the GBIS's Manager and the displaced Artists and Vendors during the past vending season (two outside Starbucks, one on Abbott Street, one at One Alexander Street). These locations were mutually chosen during last year's vending program or some have existed for several years.
THAT the remaining proposed vending locations (as set out in Appendix II of the GMES Report) be entered into a lottery system, to be held as soon as possible, amongst the "interest groups" whose opinions were solicited during this process. This lottery would not be open to the displaced Artists and Vendors.
THAT the licenses held by local BIAs which have not been used for some time be entered in a general lottery. These licenses would be subject to future use if a BIS wishes to become activity committed to a street vending program and use any of these licenses. These licenses would then be given up by the interim users who may wish to apply for these licenses through the respective BIS.
THAT City of Vancouver staff immediately explore expanding the number of vending sites in Vancouver to make the program more viable and to relieve the pressure on the vending program due to the lack of turnover by long-standing established vendors and ending associations. This exploration process should be completed in time for the next general lottery in February 2001 and should also determine whether unused sites should be terminated and entered into the lottery process.
THAT City of Vancouver staff explore the method of "daily licenses" as referred to in the GMES Report ((c)(iii), p. 8) as a means to eliminating illegal vending which has been a previous concern, providing an opportunity to make the vending program more viable, and addressing the frustrations of prospective vendors.
THAT input from a random selection of existing and prospective vendors be sought from time to time in the establishment of any of the processes outlined in (D), (E), (F), and (G), particularly with regard to making street vending products more interesting and less competitive with nearby businesses or other vendors.
(Councillors Kennedy, Daniel Lee, McCormick, Puil and the Mayor opposed)
(Councillor Don Lee not present for the vote)
The following motion by Mayor Owen was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A. THAT two currently vacant Gastown street vending permit locations be allocated immediately through a lottery open to all applicants in accordance with regular Street Vending Program procedures.
B. THAT five remaining vacant Gastown street vending permits be designated as "Artists' Permits", and that these permits be limited to the sale of non-wearable originals and prints of art works produced by the vendor.
(Councillor Don Lee not present for the vote)
The following motion by Councillor Bass was put and lost,
THAT vending licenses to Gastown Artists and Vendors, Peter Berg (Artist), Sam Logan (Artists),Tiffany Bromley (Rice Lady) and George Garrison (Vendor) be grandfathered for a period of five (5) years.
(Councillors Kennedy, Daniel Lee, McCormick, Puil and the Mayor opposed)
(Councillor Don Lee not present for the vote)
The following motion by Mayor Owen was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
C. THAT the "Artists' Permits" be allocated as soon as possible by a panel of judges who would review applications and evaluate them based on the quality of work and suitability of their product for display on the sidewalk. This process would be open to all interested applicants.
D. THAT an expenditure of $4,000 be approved for administration of the jury process described in Recommendation C, and that a non-refundable application fee of $100 be charged to recover costs.
E. THAT the two successful applicants in the process described in Recommendation A be given their choice (in draw order) of the seven locations identified in Appendix II of the Policy Report dated May 16, 2000. Further, that artists who are selected in accordance with the process described in Recommendation C be assigned to the remaining five designated locations through a random draw.
F. THAT initially the "Artists' Permits" be renewable annually for two years and, if the trial is successful, future allocations be renewable annually for five years.
G. THAT "Portrait Artists" be eligible to apply for a Busking Permit and be subject to the Council-approved Busking guidelines.
H. THAT the twelve vendors who were participants in the Street Place Program be permitted use of the five "Artists' Permit Locations" until the successful applicants are chosen as outlined in Recommendation C;
FURTHER THAT this allocation be by random lottery on a one vendor per location basis.
(Councillors Bass and Louis opposed to Recommendations C and F)
(Councillor Don Lee not present for the vote)
The following motion by Councillor Bass was put and lost,
THAT staff explore the method of "daily licenses" and report back.
(Councillors Kennedy, Daniel Lee, McCormick, Puil and the Mayor opposed)
(Councillor Don Lee not present for the vote)
The following motion by Councillor Bass was put and lost,
THAT staff explore a formal Street Vending Advisory Group to Council to be comprised of affected parties, including store owners and street vendors, to allow for problem solving.
(Councillors Kennedy, Daniel Lee, McCormick, Puil and the Mayor opposed)
(Councillor Don Lee not present for the vote)
3. Strategy for Provision of Street Furniture and other
Public Amenities File: 5762-1
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report, dated April 7, 2000, in which the General Manager of Engineering Services, in consultation with the Director of Current Planning recommended that Council receive the two staff studies for information ("Street Furniture and Amenity Study - Technical Document" and "Street Furniture and Amenity Study - Policy Document"), and sought Councils approval of staff and consultant resources to conduct a thorough public consultation process and develop final policy recommendations for Council's consideration.
Rowan Birch, Streets Administration Engineer, with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, provided Council with an overview of the report. Mr. Birch also responded to questions on streetscape design standards, the need to maintain pedestrian corridors, potential for design competitions, and staffing requirements.
The following spoke in general support of the recommendations:
· John Moonen, Director of Public Affairs &
Corporate Counsel Pattison Outdoor
· Charles Gauthier, Executive Director
Downtown Vancouver BIA
· Catherine Merlin, JC Decaux
· Larry Hannah, News Box Committee
· Richard Chapin
· Norm Gallicano, Mediacom. Inc.
The following is a summary of comments made by the foregoing speakers:
· revenues generated by a new street furniture contract will depend on the market, there is no direct link between an expanded amenity program and more revenue
· Pattison Outdoor is prepared to put $100,000 into the program, and would produce a prototype if requested
· support for less clutter, cleanliness, aesthetically pleasing appearance, and maintenance issues related to street furniture and other public amenities
· a "turnkey" contract for coordinated suites of street furniture does not eliminate flexibility
· the need for enhanced enforcement re condition of street furniture, and need for a moratorium on placement of additional private street furniture in the public realm, until clean-up done
· ready to participate in competition to provide custom-tailored furniture for the City
· request to not include Pacific Press in regulated placement of newspaper boxes, as this group has already complied with the City's direction to have no more than three boxes per location; in addition, Pacific Press also now pays for a street allowance permit fee, in addition to license fees
· concern with multi-allocation news racks and third-party control of news box program; limits ability to self-promote
· advertising cylinders provide a forum for those who cannot afford large advertising formats, however current styles do not provide sufficient space; place kiosks in higher traffic pedestrian zones
· advertising cylinders could be equipped with touch screen computers to provide multi-lingual directional information to tourists
The following motion by Mayor Owen was put and carried. The Committee, therefore,
A. THAT Council receive the reports Street Furniture and Amenity Study -Policy Document and Street Furniture and Amenity Study - Technical Document for INFORMATION.
B. THAT Council instruct the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Current Planning to undertake a public process as outlined in the Administrative Report dated April 7, 2000, to gather feedback from neighbourhoods, community and interest groups on issues outlined in the Street Furniture and Amenity Study - Policy Document;
FURTHER THAT staff report back with policy recommendations.
C. THAT Council instruct the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Current Planning to develop a compilation of existing Streetscape Design Standards.
D. THAT Council approve the creation of two new temporary full-time positions (Civil Engineer II and Planner II ) for eighteen months within Engineering Services and Current Planning respectively to conduct the work program outlined in the Administrative Report dated April 7, 2000, with source of funds as per Recommendation E.
E. THAT Council approve funding for staff and consultant resources in the current year, as outlined in the Administrative Report dated April 7, 2000, at a cost of $201,800. Funding is to be provided as a loan from the Service Improvement Reserve and repaid from future street furniture advertising revenues beginning in mid-2002.
(Councillor Puil not present for the vote)
The Committee adjourned at 12:35 p.m.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver