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Date: February 22, 2000
Author/Local: Lon LaClaire/6690RTS NO. 1050
CC File No. 5767
T&T: March 14, 2000
TO: Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services in consultation with the Manager, Rapid Transit Office SUBJECT: Grandview Highway North - Greenway/Bikeway Traffic Plan RECOMMENDATION
A. THAT the traffic calming plan for Grandview Highway North be constructed permanently as part of the SkyTrain extension as outlined in this report.
B. THAT staff work with residents and Rapid Transit Project 2000 (and their consultants) to refine the detailed designs for the new Greenway/Bikeway, and report back.
Staff will work with the Province on planning for the Phase 1 SkyTrain route, alignment, station locations and station area planning.
On July 18, 1995, Council adopted the Vancouver Greenways Plan, comprising 14 routes. This Plan identified the Grandview Cut corridor for future Greenway development.The City of Vancouver Transportation Plan, approved by Council on May 27, 1997, identified Grandview Highway North from Clark Drive to Broadway as having potential for increased priority for pedestrians, cycling and transit.
The purpose of this report is to recommend a traffic calming plan for Grandview Highway North that will be integral to the new Greenway/Bikeway that will be developed as part of the new SkyTrain line.
City staff have been working with the Provincial Rapid Transit Project 2000 Ltd. (RTP2000) staff to plan and design the SkyTrain extension in Vancouver. Phase 1 of SkyTrain will parallel the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway from Clark Drive in Vancouver to Gilmore Street in Burnaby. The entire length of Grandview Highway North will parallel the SkyTrain guideway.On October 5, 1999, Council recommended to TransLink that all of Grandview Highway North and Commercial Drive from Broadway to Grandview Highway North be removed from the City of Vancouver truck route network, as shown in Appendix A of the Administrative Report dated September 21, 1999. On December 15, 1999, the TransLink Board approved this recommendation.
On February 1, 2000, Council approved a Greenway/Bikeway on Grandview Highway North as part of an amenity package the Province will be providing the City.
Grandview Highway North is predominantly a wide two lane road with relatively low traffic volumes, ranging from 1,000 vehicles per day eastbound between Nanaimo and Slocan to 3,600 vehicles per day eastbound between Clark and Commercial.The City has been working with RTP2000 and the public on the design of a traffic calmed Greenway/Bikeway along Grandview Highway North. The recommended plan contains a combination of traffic calming measures illustrated in Appendix A. These were selected to minimize inconvenience to residents while achieving the primary goals of reducing the number and speed of vehicles and creating opportunities for additional green space and other amenities that would further enhance the new Greenway/Bikeway.
The following three proposed traffic calming measures (1 to 3) would work together to discourage large trucks and other non-local traffic from using Grandview Highway North:
1. Closure of one block of Grandview Highway North - Victoria Drive to Semlin Drive: This closure would simplify the Broadway/Victoria intersection and discourage non-local traffic from entering the neighbourhood. A resident-initiated petition, signed by 96 people and submitted to the City in November of 1999, supported this closure.
2. Centre median on Nanaimo Street at Grandview Highway North: This centre median would make it easier for pedestrians and cyclists to cross Nanaimo but would restrict other vehicles to right turns only (on to and off Nanaimo). The median would be beautified with trees and other plants.
Measures 1 and 2 are supported by 80% of the respondents to a City survey (see Consultation section).
3. Realignment of the intersection of Slocan Street and Grandview Highway North: This realignment is required to accommodate construction of the SkyTrain guideway. This change would also have traffic calming benefits and would improve the pedestrian and cyclist crossings near the railway tracks.
Two other closures on Grandview Highway North are also part of the traffic plan. They are proposed at locations that are unlikely to affect how residents would access their neighbourhood, but would slow vehicle speeds and further reduce vehicle volumes.
4. Closure of one block of Grandview Highway North - 11th Avenue to Templeton Drive.
5. Closure of a portion of Grandview Highway North - 12th Avenue to Garden Drive combined with opening Garden Drive - Grandview Highway North to 12th Avenue.
Measures 4 and 5 would increase the amount of green space and recreational opportunities. These two closures are supported by 74% and 73%, respectively, of the survey respondents.
It is City Policy that diversionary traffic calming measures are implemented on a temporary basis and that residents are re-surveyed after six months before making such measures permanent. Grandview Highway North is currently closed in sections due to construction, and these will continue at various locations over the next two years due to SkyTrain construction. The lack of normal traffic conditions will make it impossible to assess the impact of the proposed temporary closures. Also, the timing of the project and the Provincial funding agreements are based on the assumption that the new Greenway/Bikeway would be completed about the same time as the SkyTrain line. These factors, combined with strong local support, support the recommendation that all of the traffic calming measures be constructed permanently and that staff monitor traffic patterns after construction is complete.
In addition, traffic circles, corner bulges, street narrowing, and feature crosswalks would be constructed at a number of locations. These measures help to slow vehicle speeds without changing local access. Traffic circles are proposed on Grandview Highway North at the Kamloops and Penticton intersections (75% of survey respondents supported this proposal).
The community has expressed its support for a Greenway/Bikeway along the Grandview Cut at the various SkyTrain-related open houses. On July 6, 1999, City and RTP2000 staff and consultants held a special Greenway/Bikeway design workshop with interested residents. The ideas and proposals generated at the workshop were presented at an open house held at Laura Secord Elementary School on October 21, 1999. Based on the comments and feedback received during and following the open house, staff developed a preferred traffic calming plan for Grandview Highway North. This plan was delivered with a letter to the most affected residents and absentee property owners living immediately adjacent to the proposed traffic calming measures.On January 19, 2000, an area-wide survey of the preferred plan was delivered to 260 homes. All residents were invited to attend a second open house held at the same location on January 26, 2000. By February 1, 2000, 52 surveys had been returned (20% response rate). Support for the various measures range from 73 to 80%. Appendix B contains the details of the survey, delivery area, and the survey results. Survey comments are included in Appendix C.
As part of the agreement reached between the City and RTP2000 Ltd., the Greenway/Bikeway will be designed jointly by RTP2000 and City staff and constructed by the Province at their cost. The cost of the traffic calming measures are included as part of this agreement: Refer to the report to Council dated February 1, 2000. Staff will report back on the maintenance implications of the new Greenway/Bikeway.CONCLUSION
The development of the Broadway-Lougheed SkyTrain extension provides a unique opportunity to transform Grandview Highway North into a Greenway/Bikeway that will follow the SkyTrain corridor. Removal of Grandview Highway North from the truck route system was a key element of the proposed Greenway/Bikeway. Traffic calming Grandview Highway North, as recommended in this report, is essential to creating a more attractive Greenway/Bikeway and has solid community support. The detailed design of the new Greenway/Bikeway would be coordinated between the Rapid Transit Project 2000 and City staff in consultation with area residents and other stakeholders. City staff will report back on the design and maintenance of the new Greenway/Bikeway.LINK TO APPENDIX A
LINK TO APPENDIX B: Survey Delivery Area
Appendix B: Survey for Area I
Grandview Highway North Traffic CalmingYour opinions are important. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions on this survey and return by February 1, 2000. There are three ways to submit this survey: (1) Use enclosed postage-paid envelope; (2) FAX the survey to 871-6696; or (3) Bring the survey to the Open House at Laura Secord Elementary School on January 26, 2000. To validate the survey, please provide your name and address (one response per household). All responses are confidential. For more information, call us at 871-6690 or e-mail us at lon_laclaire@city.vancouver.bc.ca
NAME:________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: ____________________
PROPERTY ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________________ POSTAL CODE: __________
MAILING ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________________ POSTAL CODE: __________
(If different from above)E-MAIL:_______________________________________________________________________ FAX: ___________________________ __
Do you support the closure of Grandview Highway North from Victoria to Semlin and construction of a centre median on Nanaimo Street as shown on the map?
Do you support the closure of Grandview Highway North from 11th Avenue to Templeton Drive?
Do you support the Closure of Grandview Highway North from 12th Avenue to Garden Drive combined with opening Garden Drive from GrandviewHighway North to 12th Avenue
82% (32) 18% (7)
74% (29) 26% (10)
73% (27) 27% (10)
Following resolution of the traffic calming plan for Grandview Highway North, the City will be proceeding with design of the Greenway/Bikeway. The design could include new planted areas, trees, benches, water fountains, plazas, public art, and more.
What features would you like to see on the new Greenway/Bikeway along the north side of the Grandview Cut? Please be as specific as you can be. We are also interested in any other ideas orcomments that you might have about this project. (Please use the back of this page.)
Appendix B: Survey for Area II
Grandview Highway North Traffic CalmingYour opinions are important. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions on this survey and return by February 1, 2000. There are three ways to submit this survey: (1) Use enclosed postage-paid envelope; (2) FAX the survey to 871-6696; or (3) Bring the survey to the Open House at Laura Secord Elementary School on January 26, 2000. To validate the survey, please provide your name and address (one response per household). All responses are confidential. For more information, call us at 871-6690 or e-mail us at lon_laclaire@city.vancouver.bc.ca
NAME:________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: ____________________
PROPERTY ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________________ POSTAL CODE: __________
MAILING ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________________ POSTAL CODE: __________
(If different from above)E-MAIL:_______________________________________________________________________ FAX: _____________________________
Do you support the construction of a centre median on Nanaimo Street as shown on the map?
Do you generally agree with the use of traffic circles as a way to slow speeds at intersections?
75% (9) 25% (3)
75% (9) 25% (3)Following resolution of the traffic calming plan for Grandview Highway North, the City will be proceeding with design of the Greenway/Bikeway. The design could include new planted areas, trees, benches, water fountains, plazas, public art, and more.
What features would you like to see on the new Greenway/Bikeway along the north side of the Grandview Cut? Please be as specific as you can be. We are also interested in any other ideas or comments that you might have about this project. (Please use the back of this page.)
Appendix C: Survey Comments
… Drinking fountain for bikes and joggers
… Bright lights - especially at intersections for safety and to deter vandals, etc.
… Possible: Lakewood Bridge to be closed to vehicles
… Asphalt, with dividing lanes for bikes/pedestrians/rollerbladers
… Possible: Grandview Highway North - how opening be one way : heading west only.
… We like very much the basic plan - the road closure areas, the bulges and crosswalks, the traffic circles and the median refuges.
… We would like to see:
… The John Molsons walk extended to Slocan Street
… Plenty of benches for sitting, along the walk way.
… Plenty of pedestrian - friendly lighting along the walkway.
… Some washroom facilities at the Broadway Station.
… Additional traffic circles on 10th Ave. at Lakewood Drive and Garden Drive to slow down traffic going past the school (drivers take short cuts along 10th in rush hour and speed, causing danger to students).
… Plenty of trash receptacles along the extended Molson?s Walk ( There is at present a lot of fast food litter dropped along Molson?s Way and between Commercial Drive and Victoria Drive long Broadway.
… Perhaps if receptacles were provided, people would use them.)
… Perhaps some trees planted along the extended Molson?s Way near the road/bikeway.
… Cobble stone walkway is nice
… Retain as many trees as possible in entire construction area and plant flowering shrubs whenever possible along the walkway. Give consideration to entrance and exits routes to person living in the triangle of Grandview Hwy North, Broadway and Nanaimo.
… Neighbors appreciate being asked about their ideas and concerns, rather than being told what will be done.
… From meetings, I have attended, there is a lot of interest in what affect this will have on our neighborhood and property and residents appreciate consideration in the public discussions and chance for feedback.
… Most of the areas along the present skytrain route have been made very pleasant and I feel sure all levels involved will do the best they can to ensure residents are served in the best way to make this route attractive and serviceable.
… Please keep us informed of stages as they develop with similar ?open houses? and displays.
… I really like to retain the natural ?wild? look, with soft - landscaping at intersections as in other greenway plans.
… Stop signs need to be installed on Garden at 11th and on 10th at Garden.
… Make it a Park with facilities for children to play.
… Either close all off or leave open.
… Flower Beds, some benches to sit on, garbage cans, good lighting.
… My main concern is that if the proposed ?center median on Nanaimo St. at Grandview Hwy North is installed, drivers will turn left onto 12th Ave. to get to Slocan St. and Grandview Hwy South to travel east bound. Therefore, traffic is only being divided. Traffic circles proposed for Grandview Hwy North will reduce the speed of traffic but will not reduce a significant number of vehicles. Unless traffic is prohibited from turning left onto Grandview Hwy South form Slocan St., I am not favor of this proposal.… A split face block wall, slightly serpentine horizontally and vertically, not less than five feet high... to divide maintained and unmaintained vegetation to provide easier maintenance and security for users.
… Some minor wall hugging shrubbery, high growing trimmed trees to allow wall to be seen; some smaller ornamental trees on road side of pathway, interspersed with ornamental lighting.
… Pathway to be smooth surfaced and drainable likely requiring some grading in low areas.
… Ground cover on pathway side to be easily maintained grass, rock or other low growing plants,. no continuous rat nests e.g. juniper.
… Far side of wall, nearest track, should be dense wild growing stock, both low and high and possibly deciduous and non deciduous.
… Attention should be given to any screening that may be required on the bridges overhead of the guideway either horiz or vert type.
… There should be no line of sight obstruction for traffic entering Nanaimo St. off Grandview Hwy. North...there is no room for safe pull out against northbound traffic on Nanaimo Street.
… There is considerable high speed transit of the intersections of Nanaimo St. and Grandview Hwy. N. by northbound traffic, caused by people trying to turn onto Nanaimo, northbound from Grandview Hwy S. and from northbound Nanaimo St. traffic during very pregnant green or amber signals.
… Good project to proceed.
… It?s about time something was done to wooden sidewalk on Nanaimo St. bridge...when there is frost it isextremely slippery.
… Forget about stop signs on the side streets on to Nanaimo, as no one stops at any of them. That also includes big commercial vehicles.
… This city does not enforce any traffic signs.
… New Road: between 12 and Grandview North is not needed. Instead, build ?bikeway and pedestrian walkway and a park in the vacant lot of the triangle. This will discourage Garden Drive from becoming a traffic problem from Broadway right turns to avoid Nanaimo and Broadway intersection.
… Traffic problem for resident of Garden Drive at present:
… traffic is going north on Nanaimo takes a short cut up the alley from 11th (left hand turn off Nanaimo) to get to stores on Safeway corner of Broadway and Nanaimo. There is excessive speed. Speed bumps are necessary. With the new plans this will get worse.
… Proposed new road form 12th and Garden Drive to Grandview Hwy N. will encourage traffic from Broadway, to right turn on Garden and short cut to Grandview Hwy north along Garden Drive.
… This is happening now only traffic uses 11th and 12th for left hand turn off. Circles should be considered for 11th and Garden & 10th and Garden Drive.
… if you eliminate the left turn from to N. Grandview Hwy you must install a left turn light on the south Grandview Hwy and Nanaimo. If all trucks are not allowed from Slocan on the N. Grandview to Nanaimo this will create a lineup on the S. Grandview at Nanaimo St.
… I live on Nanaimo just past of 12 Ave, this is a residential area and no trucks should be allowed between South Grandview and Broadway.
… There are needed scrubs, trees needed on Garden Street, sidewalks on 12th Ave from Nanaimo to Garden, therefore no circles and other costs should be in the plan. Rather monies spend on needed items above.
… I do not agree with this because it looks like the trucks will have no alternative but to use Broadway in from of my house. If you can assure me otherwise, than I would agree with your bike-green proposal.
… Any closure of the above will only end up more crimes and drug and sex trade.
… As Broadway and Commercial skytrain stations is already bad enough for the neighborhood
… The above suggestions for the greening are all good especially trees and plants. However option C appears too make Garden Drive a cut through from Broadway to Nanaimo.
… This is already happening and there have been several accidents already. We need a circle at 10th and Garden.
… No Benches; Break-ins? increases with loitering. ( Lots of lights)
… The south sides of homes on E. 11th are vulnerable as it is to no neighbors eyes, hence Break-ins. (Especially the house on triangle between Templeton and Lakewood)
… Questions:
… What stops a truck from taking Senlin to Lakewood and then going on 11th to Nanaimo?
… Going west what stops non local traffic from taking Grandview Hwy North, right on Nanaimo and attempting to short cut West on either 12th or 11th or 10th Aves?
… Many trees may be cut at the foot of Templeton Drive and Grandview Hwy North. What space is there for top planning?s if not much space once the above are in place, to put evergreens to block noise, etc. and create the environmental sanctuary that will be destroyed by skytrain.
… The closures should go along way to ensuring traffic calming and a safe and pollution free green space area.
… Please ensure parking regulations are enforced along the new greenways.
… 10th and Templeton should have a traffic circle
… The pedestrian scale light would be great as well as the park extension.
… With the Renfrew skytrain station moving in, so will the inflow of people and transient people in particular. We feel the benches, plaza and comfortable surroundings will encourage, the ?wrong? type of people in our neighborhood, loitering. If the police will be patrolling the skytrain for illegal ?happenings? then these individuals will naturally move into our neighborhood. It is the closest residential area and we have many families with young children. We don?t want to see or be in any harm of the repercussions. e.g. used
… needles.
… Keep in mind, there is a highschool across the street and this area provides them with a space where they can possibly get into trouble.
… Simply put, we don not want this proposed area, our neighborhood behind our backyard, to become a meeting place for drug dealers, drug users and crime.
… We would prefer the Greenway and Bike Way on the south side of Grandview Hwy North.
… The above suggestions for the greenway area are good especially trees and plants. However option C -appears to make Garden Drive a cut through from Broadway to Nanaimo. This is already happening and there has been several accidents already. We need a circle at 10th and Garden.
… I am most concerned about the location of the skytrain route, I am hoping that it is down in the cut wherethe train tracks are. I would be strongly opposed to it being above ground and visible from the road. My house looks directly at Grandview North Hwy - can you please let me know if I can have some input on this.
… As far as the Greenway goes, I would like to see some seating areas and bushed/planted areas. I would be willing to help in the landscaping of the area close to my house.
… Tree, lots of trees, as many as you can add, the better.
… I would like to be a part of a Garden / Landscaping area near my house and I would like to see native bushes and trees added with some benches and tables.
… I would prefer a center median as opposed to the traffic circles proposed.
Comments or questions? You can send us email.
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