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Date: December 21, 1999
Author/Local: M.G Thomson/873- 7329
CC File: 5753
RTS No. 1176Council: January 18, 2000
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Engineering Services in Consultation with the Manager of Real Estate Services
Closure of a Portion of Burrard Street, North of Beach Avenue
A. THAT Council close and stop-up all that portion of the west side of Burrard Street, north of Beach Avenue, as shown hatched on the plan attached hereto as Appendix "A", subject to the following conditions:
1. The portion of Burrard Street to be closed to be consolidated with the adjacent City-owned Lot C, Block 14, District Lot 185, Plan 12302, the same as shown within the heavy outline on Appendix "A", to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services ;
2. Relocation of all underground and overhead utilities, including but not limited to, street lighting, hydro poles, lines and attachments, a 30" sewer line and an 8" waterline to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services;
3. Reconstruction of Burrard Street so as to retain the sidewalk and boulevard on the east side of Burrard Street and to allow for a 9.5 metre pavement width including a 3.0 metre boulevard, and a 1.5 metre wide sidewalk on the west side of Burrard Street to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services;
4. Seismic upgrading of Burrard Street Bridge Bent 24 to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services.
B. THAT Council authorize registration of a right-of-way over the portion of Burrard Street to be closed for utility and access purposes to protect the existing utilities until such time as all utility relocations are completed. The right-of-way to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services and the General Manager of Engineering Services.
The authority for closing and disposing of streets and lanes is set out in the Vancouver Charter.
The purpose of this report is to obtain the formal Council authorities to close and stop-up a portion of the west side of Burrard Street, north of Beach Avenue as required to create a "Daycare Site".
On May 4, 1999 Council approved the recommendation of the Manager of Real Estate Services contained in a report dated April 19, 1999. That recommendation was:
"THAT Council approve the following budgets in order to create a daycare site at the northwest corner of Beach Avenue and Burrard Street ("Daycare Site") as illustrated in Appendix A and to satisfy the prior-to conditions for zoning enactment of 1005 Beach Avenue:
( i) $235,000 for the relocation of utilities, source of funding to be the PEF;
( ii ) $500,000 for Burrard Street Bridge (Bent 24) seismic upgrade, the source of funding to be $43,000 from the PEF and $457,000 from Streets Basic Capital Account No. 1000446.
AND FURTHER THAT the funding only be spent if capital funding is secured forthe proposed daycare building and a development permit for its construction has been issued."
On October 19, 1999 the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets approved the recommendations contained in the October 6, 1999 report of the Director of Community Services, Social Planning Department, which were:
"A. THAT Council agree to receive $540,000 from the Province of British Columbia, as negotiated by the Ministry for Children and Families and supported by B.C. Building Corporation, towards the construction of a new City-owned childcare facility for the Beach Daycare on the newly created site at the northwest corner of Beach Avenue and Burrard Street;
B. THAT Council approve an allocation of $325,000 from the City-owned childcare capital budget as the City's contribution to the construction of the new Beach Daycare. Source of funds: 1999 Capital Budget - City-owned Childcare Facilities;
C. THAT Council approve an allocation of up to $90,000 to be repaid through monthly payments of $300 per month from the YMCA of Greater Vancouver; Source of funds: Capital Grants budget;
D. THAT Council authorize the Manager of Real Estate, in consultation with the Director of Social Planning, to negotiate an operating agreement with the YMCA of Greater Vancouver for use of the childcare facility for a $1 a year for the life of the building, on the condition that the City-owned facility is used for the delivery of 37 spaces of full-time childcare;
E. THAT Davidson Yuen Simpson Architects be retained as architects for the project at a fee commensurate with the fee structure of the AIBC, satisfactory to the Manager, Facilities Development;
F. THAT Council direct City staff to expedite this project to ensure that the Beach daycare can be relocated in a timely manner so the sale of 1005 Beach can proceed;
G. THAT Recommendations B through F be subject to the transfer of provincial funds being confirmed in a legal agreement between the City and the Province, to the satisfaction of the City Manager and the Director of Finance, prior to December 9, 1999."
As both of the above-mentioned reports described the history to this daycare relocation, this report will limit its scope to only the creation of the Daycare Site, being those lands shown within the heavy outline on Appendix "A".
As the agreement to secure all funding as described in Recommendation G to the October 6, 1999 report of the Director of Community Services, Social Planning Department has been entered into, it is time to get on with site creation.
This report acquires the necessary authorities.
Creation of the site requires the closure of a portion of the west side of Burrard Street, north of Beach Avenue, abutting City-owned Lot C, Block 14, District Lot 185, Plan 12302.
Burrard Street at this point is 99 feet wide (30.175 metres). The westerly 33 feet lie within District Lot 185, and were dedicated by the deposit of Plan 92 on March 15, 1882. The easterly 66 feet lie within District Lot 541 and were dedicated by the deposit of Plan 210 approximately four years later.
Engineering Services has determined that the subject portion of Burrard Street can be reduced in width from 30.175 metres to 18 metres.
This will require the reconstruction of the street and relocation of a number of utilities, including but not limited to, a 30" sewer line, an 8" waterline, street lighting facilities, and hydro wires, poles and attachments. It is proposed to maintain a 9.5 metre pavement width, retain the sidewalk and boulevard on the east side of Burrard Street and a 3 metre boulevard and a 1.5 metre sidewalk on the west side of Burrard Street.
The estimated cost of the road reconstruction and utility relocation is $235,000. Council approved funding for this work on May 4, 1999.
It is appropriate to proceed with seismic upgrading of Bent 24 to the Burrard Street Bridge in advance of construction of the daycare. Council approved funding totalling $500,000 in the approvals granted May 4, 1999.
The portion of Burrard Street to be closed will be consolidated with the abutting Lot C.
As the Daycare Site will be created prior to the utilities being relocated and the road reconstruction being completed, a right-of-way will be registered over the portion of closed road until such time as the work completes.
This report will conclude the formal authorities required for site creation.
The General Manager of Engineering Services, in consultation with the Manager of Real Estate Services, recommends approval of Recommendations A and B.
(Note from Clerk: Appendix A not available in electronic form - on file in the Office of the City Clerk.)* * * * *
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver