
                                                       Date: March 26, 1996
                                                       Dept. File: VMC     

     TO:       Vancouver City Council

     FROM:     Director of the Office of Cultural Affairs

     SUBJECT:  Vancouver Museum Commission


          THAT  Council approve the  objects and by-laws  for the Vancouver
          Museum   Commission  and   authorize   staff  to   proceed   with
          registration as a non-profit society  and to make application for
          charitable status under the Income Tax Act.


          The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.


     On February 22,  1996, Council approved  a series of  recom-mendations
     with  respect  to  the  future  operations  of  the  Vancouver  Museum
     including  terminating   the  operating  lease/   agreement  with  the
     Vancouver  Museum  Association, and  the creation  of a  new Vancouver
     Museum  Commission to oversee the governance  of the City's collection
     and operations of the Museum.


     The  purpose  of this  report is  to  seek Council's  authorization to
     proceed  with  the creation  of  the  Vancouver Museum  Commission  as
     outlined in this report.


     On  February 22, 1996, City  Council approved a  process to revitalize
     the Vancouver Museum including the termination of the operating  lease
     agreement with the Vancouver Museum Association, and the creation of a
     new five-member Vancouver Museum Commission.


     Council has directed  that a new operating entity be  charged with the
     responsibilities of governing the City s collections and operating the
     Museum.   To  enable the  Museum to  operate independently,  to employ
     staff,  and to  raise funds  in  the private  and public  sectors, its
     governance is to  be entrusted to an  independent, non-profit society,
     the "Vancouver Museum Commission" (working title).
     The Commission

     With  Council's approval, the Commission will be created as non-profit
     society, as well as a registered charity, and will be governed by five
     Council-appointed  Commissioners,  who  will   act  as  the  Board  of
     Directors/Trustees. The  Commissioners,  would also  be the  Society's
     only Members.

     Staff  have drafted objects or purposes for  the new Commission, to be
     registered  as  part of  the Society's  by-laws  which will  provide a
     framework  for governance  in a  manner which  reflects the  niche and
     direction approved  by Council on February 22,  1996.  The objects are
     outlined in Appendix A.

     The balance  of the by-laws  have been  drafted by the  Legal Services
     staff to reflect prudent governance of a society.

     The Commission's governing functions are to include:

          Policy  Governance:     Establishing  and  implementing  the
          Museum's   purpose  or   mission  as   recommended  in   the
          consultant's report and approved by Council;

          Program Governance:   Setting objectives, and  measuring the
          rate of progress in achieving this purpose or mission;

          Financial  and Personnel  Management:   Providing continuity
          for the governance and management of the Museum; responsible
          for fiscal health of the Museum;

          Public  Service:  Establishing  the  Museum s  identity  and
          relevance in the community.

     The Commissioners

     Selecting  an initial five member Commission structure means that each
     Commissioner  will  carry  significant responsibilities.    Adding the
     leadership  position of  Chair  to the  four  areas of  responsibility
     identified above,  five corresponding skill-sets have  been identified
     for potential Commissioners as follows:

          Chair: Responsible for overall  leadership and vision;  day-
          to-day transition and implementation  of the new vision, and
          to act as a spokesperson for the Museum.

          Governance Position: In concert with the Chair, helps to set
          and implement policy direction for the Museum.

          Programs  Position:  In concert  with  the  Chair, helps  to
          provide policy direction to assist staff in establishing and
          implementing exhibits and programs.

          Financial  Position: In  concert  with the  Chair, helps  to
          ensure   fiscal  health   of  the   organization  includ-ing
          overseeing  the  budget  and  financial  reporting  systems,
          monitoring   revenues   and   expenditures,   fund   raising
          activities  and  managing  the  assets of  the  Museum.   In
          addition, this  role is responsible for personnel management
          functions   which   includes   operating  policy   affecting
          Commissioners, staff and volunteers.

          Public  Service   Position:  In  concert  with   the  Chair,
          responsible   for    developing   community   consultations,
          communications, awareness, and  increased participa-tion  in
          Museum programs.

     Once the Commission has established its course, it is anticipated that
     additional appointments may  be required.   Should that  be the  case,
     these four  positions could evolve into  Sub-committee Chair positions
     and form the basis for a committee structure for the Commission.

     Staff are in the process of  consulting with community representatives
     to  match potential candidates for the Commission with the skills sets
     outlined  above.  A  list of potential  candidates for "Commissioners"
     will be  presented for  Council's consideration  "in camera" on  April

     Transition Considerations

     Implementing the  transition from  the current society,  the Vancouver
     Museum  Association (VMA) to the Vancouver  Museum Commission has been
     co-ordinated  to date  through a  Transition Team  with representation
     from the VMA Board and staff as well as City staff.  Staff are pleased
     to report that  the process,  while time consuming,  is extremely  co-
     operative  and   collaborative,  and  staff  believe   that  a  smooth
     transition is possible and likely.

     Vancouver Museum Association

     The Vancouver  Museum Association  is planning to  reconstitute itself
     into a "Vancouver Museum Guild" (working title) at their AGM in April.
     Many of  the current Board are  willing to serve in  this new capacity
     and are  currently re-engaging their membership,  docent and volunteer
     base to assist in their new mandate as follows:

          To act  as the official museum  membership organiza-tion for
          the Vancouver Museum and  to promote interest in  all museum

     The target date  for completion of the transition from  the VMA to the
     Commission will be June 1, 1996.

     Vancouver Museum Staff

     All  employment related  issues will  be dealt  with according  to the
     appropriate labour legislation and the terms of existing contracts and
     agreements.  It  is anticipated  that the current  union and  contract
     staff employed  by the  Vancouver Museum  Association will  be offered
     employment  by  the  newly  formed  Commission.    Any  employees  not
     interested in  accepting such  an  offer must  be  dealt with  by  the
     Vancouver Museum  Association under the terms of their contract and/or
     collective agreement.

     The target date for employment change over will be June 1, 1996.

     Transition Co-ordinator

     In considering  the revitalization of the Museum,  Council approved an
     implementation   strategy  and  budget   which  provided   for  hiring
     specialized  museum expertise  to  act on  the  City's behalf  in  all
     aspects of the revitalization of the Vancouver Museum.
     An excellent candidate has been secured with the City Manager's
     approval,  and Ms. Sharilyn Ingram will  commence her three-month term
     as  "Transition Co-ordinator"  on April  15, 1996.   This term  may be
     extended by the Commission for a further six to nine month term.

     The  Transition Co-ordinator Terms  of Reference are  attached to this
     report as Appendix B.   Ms. Ingram's  resumĒ is available through  the
     Office of Cultural Affairs.


     With  the creation  of the  new governing  body, the  Vancouver Museum
     Commission,  Council  is beginning  the  process  of revitalizing  the

                                *   *   *   *   *

                                                                 APPENDIX A

                           VANCOUVER MUSEUM COMMISSION


          To collect  and preserve specimens and  artifacts that focus
          on both the human and natural history of  Vancouver.

          To increase  and communicate  knowledge about the  human and
          natural history of Vancouver.

          To establish and operate a museum in a relevant, accessible,
          consultative and entrepreneurial style  which is a source of
          education  and  service to  residents  of,  and visitors  to

          To  secure,  preserve  and  manage the  present  and  future
          collections of the Museum in trust on behalf of the  City of
          Vancouver, and the people of Vancouver.

          To undertake  public programs  which focus on  the past  and
          present  story  of  Vancouver and  other  relevant  subjects
          including  long-term,  temporary  and  travelling  exhibits,
          education  programs,  gallery   tours,  lectures,   outreach
          programs and other related activities.

          To conduct fund raising  and operate commercial  enterprises
          for  the  benefit  of the  programs  and  operations of  the

                                *   *   *   *   *

                                                                 APPENDIX B

                           VANCOUVER MUSEUM COMMISSION

     Under  the direction of the  Director, Office of  Cultural Affairs, in
     consultation with the Vancouver Museum Transition Team, the Transition
     Co-ordinator  will Act  on  the City's  behalf in  all aspects  of the
     revitalization of  the Vancouver Museum.   The Transition Co-ordinator

     1.0  assist in the creation  and implementation of a new  society, the
          Vancouver Museum Commission;

     2.0  oversee  a full collection  audit, including  asset verification,
          collection management procedures and collection documentation;

     3.0  oversee  the   transition  of   responsibility  for   the  Museum
          operations from the Vancouver Museum Association to the Vancouver
          Museum Commission;

     4.0  participate in a review of the Vancouver Museum Foundation;

     5.0  provide on-site direction in future planning to Museum staff;

     6.0  represent the  Museum s interest  in  joint planning  initiatives
          involving  the  Pacific  Space  Sciences Centre,  and  any  other
          collective of cultural organizations.

     7.0  develop and negotiate draft operating agreements between the City
          and  the Commission, and between the Commission, on behalf of the
          City  and  any potential  partners  including  the Royal  British
          Columbia Museum (RBCM) and/or the Canadian Museum of Civilization

     8.0  provide  on site  liaison  between  the  City, Museum  staff  and
          potential partners including the RBCM and CMC;

     9.0  develop  a  detailed operating  plan and  budget for  the interim
          three-year period; and

     10.0 assist  in developing a detailed  program and budget for proposed
          capital improvements.

                                *   *   *   *   *