REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING

     A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of  Vancouver was held on
     Thursday,  March 14,  1996, at  10:25 a.m.,  in Committee  Room No. 1,
     Third  Floor,  City Hall,  following  the Standing  Committee  on City
     Services and Budgets meeting,  to consider the recommendations of  the

                    PRESENT:  Mayor Owen
                              Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario,
                                          Clarke, Hemer, Ip,
                                          Kwan, Price, Puil
                                          and Sullivan

                     ABSENT:  Councillor Kennedy (Civic Business)

      CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:  Ken Dobell, City Manager

       CLERK TO THE COUNCIL:  Tarja Tuominen


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Hemer,
          THAT this  Council resolve  itself into  Committee of the  Whole,
     Mayor Owen in the chair.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                                COMMITTEE REPORTS

     Report of the Standing Committee
     on City Services and Budgets
     March 14, 1996

          Council considered  the  recommendations  of  the  Committee,  as
     contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

          Cl. 1:    Report of the Interim Economic
                    Development Commission
          Cl. 2:    Acquisition of a Document Imaging/
                    Management System
          Cl. 3:    Electoral Area "A" Governance Study

     Report of the
     Interim Economic Development Commission
     Clause 1

     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause

     1 of this report, be approved.

                                                                  - CARRIED

               (Cllr. Kwan opposed to Recommendations B, C and D)

     Acquisition of a Document Imaging/
     Management System
     Clause 2

          This clause was deferred  to the March 28,  1996 City Services  &
     Budgets Standing Committee meeting.

                                                                 - DEFERRED

     Electoral Area "A" Governance Study
     Clause 3

     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause
     3 of this report, be approved.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
          THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                           ENQUIRIES AND OTHER MATTERS

     Leave of Absence - Councillor Clarke                        File: 1254

     MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Hemer,
          THAT Councillor Clarke be  granted Leave of Absence for  the week
     of March 25 to 29, 1996.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

     Leave of Absence - Councillor Ip                            File: 1254

     MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Hemer,
          THAT Councillor Ip  be granted Leave  of Absence for the  week of
     March 25 to 29, 1996.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                The Council adjourned at approximately 10:30 a.m.

                              *    *    *    *    *

                                REPORT TO COUNCIL

                       STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                       ON CITY SERVICES AND BUDGETS

                                 MARCH 14, 1996

     A  Regular  Meeting  of the  Standing  Committee  of  Council on  City
     Services  and Budgets  was held on  Thursday, March 14,  1996, at 9:30
     a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.

                   PRESENT:   Councillor Puil, Chair
                              Mayor Owen
                              Councillor Bellamy
                              Councillor Chiavario
                              Councillor Clarke
                              Councillor Hemer
                              Councillor Ip
                              Councillor Kwan
                              Councillor Price
                              Councillor Sullivan

                    ABSENT:   Councillor Kennedy (Civic Business)

      CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:  Ken Dobell, City Manager

                     CLERK:   Tarja Tuominen

     Adoption of Minutes

          The  Minutes of the Standing Committee on City Services & Budgets
     meeting of February 22, 1996, were adopted.


     1.   Report of the                                        File: 1041-3
          Interim Economic Development Commission

     The Committee had  before it an  Administrative Report dated  February
     28, 1996 (on file), in which the General Manager of Corporate Services
     submitted the report of the Interim Economic Development Commission on
     the establishment  of a permanent Economic  Development Commission for
     information.   The  General  Manager also  recommended  approval of  a
     permanent Economic  Development Commission and sought  approval of the
     recommended structure and terms of reference for the Commission.

     Mr. Ken Stoke, General Manager of Corporate Services, provided a brief
     review of the reports.

     Dr.  John Wiebe,  Co-Chair, Interim  Economic Development  Commission,
     introduced three Interim  Commission members:   Ms. Barbara  Crompton,
     Mr.  John Parkes,  and  Mr.  Joe  Sulmona.    The  Interim  Commission
     concurred with  the General Manager's recommendations,  but would have
     preferred the initial  term of the  Commission to be  two years.   The
     permanent Commission should be broadly representative of the  business
     community,  and not  composed  of individuals  representing particular
     Ms.  Crompton,  Mr.  Parkes  and   Mr.  Sulmona  urged  the  permanent
     Commission be  established  quickly.    Ms.  Crompton  noted  economic
     development embraces the whole GVRD area, and suggested the Commission
     could  begin to  educate the  GVRD  on the  benefits of  working on  a
     region-wide economic development approach.

     The  Committee thanked the members  of the Interim  Commission for the
     significant work they had done in preparing their report, and agreed a
     regional approach to economic  development was needed.  One  member of
     the  Committee did  not  agree  with  the  approach  put  forward  for
     establishment of the permanent Economic Development Commission.

     The  following motions  by Councillor Ip  were put  and carried.   The
     Committee, therefore,


          A.   THAT Council receive the report of the Interim Economic
               Development Commission  dated January 31, 1996,  on the
               establishment  of  a  permanent   Economic  Development
               Commission for informa-tion.

          B.   THAT  Council  approve the  form of  incorporation, the
               composition and size of  the permanent Commission,  the
               qualifications of the Commission members, the  terms of
               reference, the first term priorities and work plan, the
               rules of  procedure, the selection  and appointment  of
               staff, the establishment  of an office,  and the  first
               year's budget and financial plan, all as set out in the
               report of the  Interim Economic Development  Commission
               dated  January  31,  1996,  subject  to  the  following

               - that the  City of Vancouver  not hold  shares in  the
                 organizational  structure of the  Commis-sion and the
                 City's  business  dealings  with  the  Commission  be
                 conducted on an arm's-length basis at all times;

               - that  the Council  representatives to  the Commission
                 not have  any voting  rights  or powers  pursuant  to
                 Commission business matters;

               - that the term of membership on the Commission and the
                 limitation on the  number of years  a serving  member
                 may sit as a commissioner is satisfactory to Council,
                 including  the  absence   of  any  staggered  renewal

               - that Council appoint  the 15 initial  members to  the
                 permanent Commission  and  thereafter the  powers  of
                 Council to appoint new members be as set out in a fee
                 for  service   contract  between  the  City  and  the
                 Commission; and,

               - that  Council  is  reasonably  comfortable  with  the
                 sectoral  representation   applicable  to  Commission
                 membership as proposed in the report.

          C.   THAT Council instruct the City Manager and the Director
               of  Legal  Services to  enter  into a  fee  for service
               contract with  the Economic Develop-ment  Commission as
               permitted  under  Section  242(2)(c)  of  the Vancouver
               Charter under the terms and conditions proposed in  the
               Adminis-trative  Report dated  February 28, 1996.   The
               initial  term of this  contract will  be for  one year,
               commencing on the date of execution of the contract, at
               a fee of $200,000 plus GST, subject to further two-year
               term renewals and Council approval.

          D.   THAT  the City  Manager be  authorized to  commit staff
               resources to the  start up activities  of the  Economic
               Development  Commission on a reasonable basis, provided
               additional funding is not required for this support.

                                                                  - CARRIED

                     (Councillor Kwan opposed to B, C and D)


     2.   Acquisition of a Document Imaging/                     File: 1007
          Management System

     The  Committee had before it  an Administrative Report  dated March 6,
     1996 (on file), in which the General Manager of Community Services, in
     consultation  with  the Corporate  Manage-ment  Team  and the  Imaging
     Steering Committee, sought approval for implementation of a  Corporate
     Document Imaging/Management System.

     Mr. Ken Dobell, City  Manager, advised consideration of the  report is
     deferred to  the March 28th meeting  at the request of  CUPE Local 15,
     due to  it not having  received adequate  time to review,  consider or
     prepare  a response  to the  report.   Mr.  Dobell noted  in order  to
     maintain the project,  staff will need to spend  approximately $30,000
     as part  of a service contract  to get work done within  now and March


     3.   Electoral Area "A" Governance Study                   File: 131-3

     The Committee had before  it an Administrative Report dated  March 11,
     1996 (on  file), in which the  Director of City Plans  advised Council
     about progress on the  preparation of the UBC Official  Community Plan
     and emerging governance issues.

     Councillor Jennifer Clarke and Dr. Ann McAfee, Director of City Plans,
     presented an update on  the Official Community Plan  for the UBC  area
     planning process and emerging issues and concerns.

     The following motions by Councillor Clarke were put and carried.   The
     Committee, therefore,

          A.   THAT Vancouver City Council support the March 8,  1996,
               motion of the GVRD Electoral Areas Committee "That  the
               GVRD Board  invite the UBC  Board of Governors  to join
               with  it  in  making  a  request  of  the  Ministry  of
               Municipal Affairs  to do a study  of governance options
               for Electoral Area "A" including the legal,  financial,
               and technical implications  of the development  program
               contemplated  in  the  existing and  proposed  official
               community plans."

          B.   THAT  the  City of  Vancouver  request  the GVRD  Board
               direct   the   Intergovernmental   and   Communi-cation
               Committee to review  the progress of  the UBC  Official
               Community  Planning process  and  provide direction  as

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:25 a.m.

                                *   *   *   *   *