M E M O R A N D U M

   From:            CITY CLERK'S OFFICE                 Date:  March 4, 1996
                                                 Refer File:        6007

          To:              Vancouver City Council

   Subject:         New Trade and Convention Facilities Review Program
                          Report on Stage One

        Mr. Larry Beasley, the City Project Manager, and Mr. Michael
   Geller, the Provincial Project Manager, will make brief

        In addition, representatives from the three proponents -
   Concord, Greystone and Marathon - will make presentations.

        The following materials refer:

        -    Policy Report dated February 26, 1996, entitled "New
             Trade and Convention Facilities Review Program - Report
             on Stage One" (attached).

        -    A Summary of the Report on Stage One, dated
             February 27, 1996 (attached and in addition to the
             material previously circulated).

        -    Report on Stage One, dated February 27, 1996
             (previously circulated; copies available from City
             Clerk's Office and Planning Department).

                                      CITY CLERK

   Att.                      POLICY REPORT
                            URBAN STRUCTURE

                                           Date: February 26, 1996
                                           Dept. File No.  LBB

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director of Central Area Planning
   SUBJECT:  New Trade and Convention Facilities Review Program -
             Report on Stage One


        THAT  Council  endorse,  subject  to  endorsation  from  the
        Province,  the  following  recommendation  of  the  City and
        Provincial  Project Managers  as contained  in the  attached
        report "New Trade and Convention Facilities Review Program -
        Report on Stage One":

             "THAT  the New Trade  and Convention  Facilities Review
             Program proceed to Stage Two;

             FURTHER  THAT all  three  proponents,  Concord  Pacific
             Developments, Greystone Properties and Marathon Realty,
             be invited to submit Stage Two proposals; and

             THAT  the conditions  for  each proponent,  set out  in
             Appendix  A of  the report,  "New Trade  and Convention
             Facilities Review  Program -  Report on Stage  One," be
             endorsed for evaluation of such proposals."


        The  General  Manager   of  Community  Services   RECOMMENDS
        approval of the foregoing.


   -    Central Area Plan (December 1991);
   -    Downtown District Official  Development Plan (November 1975,
        with amendments thereafter);
   -    Central Waterfront Port Lands Policy Statement 
        (February 1994);
   -    Coal Harbour Policy Statement (February 1990);
   -    Coal Harbour Official Development  Plan (November 1990  with
        amendments thereafter); 
   -    Burrard Landing Zoning (September 1994, not yet enacted);
   -    False Creek North Policy Statement (August 1988);
   -    False  Creek North  Official Development  Plan (April  1990,
        with amendments thereafter); and,
   -    Views Policy (December 1989, with amendments thereafter).


   In my capacity as  the City's Project  Manager for the New  Trade
   and Convention Facilities Review Program, I am pleased to  submit
   the attached report on Stage One for Council's consideration.


   Following discussions between the  City and Province, Council, in
   July 1995,  approved a joint Provincial/City  program to consider
   proposals  for expansion  of trade  and convention  facilities in
   Vancouver.   Further, they  approved City  staff resources  and a
   budget to complete Stages One and Two of the program.


   Stage One,  which the attached  report completes, began  with the
   issuing  of  a Call  for  Developer  Expressions  of Interest  on
   November 3, 1995, with three responses  submitted by the December
   8, 1995 deadline.  These were from Greystone Properties on a site
   east of Canada  Place; Marathon Realty on  a site west  of Canada
   Place; and  Concord Pacific  Developments on  a site adjacent  to
   B.C. Place.

   Immediately   following   the  submission   deadline,   City  and
   Provincial staff  began evaluating  the proposals.   An intensive
   public consultation program  was also undertaken.   There were 25
   meetings with the general public and  various interest groups, as
   well  as model and presentation  displays and a  variety of media
   events and media coverage.

   The City-Provincial  Steering Committee for the  program includes
   representatives  from Engineering  (Don Brynildsen)  and Planning
   (Rob Jenkins).  In addition, the City's evaluation team  included
   representatives  from the  Departments of  Planning, Engineering,
   Finance, Housing, Social Planning, Civic  Theatres, Fire, Police,
   Parks   and    Health.      Consultation   also   occurred   with
   representatives  from Permits and  Licenses, Real Estate Services
   and Law.   Based on  the evaluation  and advice from  the public,
   neighbourhood   interests,   the  business   community   and  the
   convention  and  tourism  industry, conclusions  were  drawn  and
   detailed  conditions  prepared for  each  site  proponent.   This
   resulted  in  the  attached  report,  New  Trade  and  Convention
   Facilities Review Program - Report on Step One.

   A  complete  description  of  the  public  consultation  process,
   evaluation and resulting conditions recommended for each site are
   presented in that report.

   Subject to Provincial and City  endorsation to proceed, Stage Two
   will  begin immediately  with  the proponents  responding to  the
   Stage One  conditions  and preparing  financial propositions  for
   consideration by  the Province, leading  to the selection  of the
   preferred  proponent.   Stage  Two is  tentatively scheduled  for
   completion by  the end  of June  1996.   Stage Three  will entail
   final negotiations  by the Province with  the preferred proponent
   and an application for rezoning with the City.


   Stage  One  of the  New  Trade and  Convention  Facilities Review
   Program has  been successfully concluded.  It is recommended that
   the  three  proponents  proceed  to  Stage  Two  to  address  the
   conditions presented in  Appendix A  of the  attached report  and
   prepare financial proposals for consideration by the Province.

                                 * * *