2099 Beach Avenue
   Vancouver, B.C.
   Canada  V6G 1Z4
   Phone (604) 257-8400
   Fax (604) 257-8424

   October 27, 1995

   Ms. Lynne Bryson, Chair
   Vancouver Heritage Commission
   City Clerk's Office
   City Hall
   Vancouver, B.C.

   Dear Ms. Bryson:

   Re:  Former Langara Golf Course Clubhouse

   The following  resolutions were passed  by the  Park Board at  a regular
   meeting held on Monday, October 23, 1995:

        "Moved by Commissioner DeGenova,
             THAT the Board authorize the demolition of the former  Langara
             Golf Clubhouse and redevelop  the site to include parking  and

                                           - CARRIED.

        (Commissioners Louis, Morgan and Wilson opposed).

        Moved by Commissioner Morgan,
             THAT  the  demolition of  the  former  Langara Golf  Clubhouse
             proceed in an environmentally friendly manner.

                                           - CARRIED.

        (Commissioners Ashford, Chesman, Fetherstonhaugh opposed)."

   Please note:   The  following Notice  of Motion will  be on  the Board's
   agenda on November 6, 1995:

        "Moved by Commissioner Chesman,
             THAT the geographic area remaining after the demolition of the
             Langara Golf Clubhouse be turned into greenspace."

   Yours truly,

   V. Kondrosky
   General Manager
