REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING

        A  Regular Meeting of the  Council of the  City of Vancouver
   was  held on Thursday,  May 4, 1995,  at 5:25 p.m.,  in Committee
   Room  No. 1,  Third  Floor,  City Hall,  following  the  Standing
   Committee on  Planning and  Environment meeting, to  consider the
   recommendations of the Committee.

        PRESENT:  Mayor Owen
                  Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer,
                              Kennedy, Kwan, and Sullivan

        ABSENT:  Councillor Ip (Illness) 
                 Councillor Price (Leave of Absence)
                 Councillor Puil 

        CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:  Ken Dobell

        CLERK:  Marnie Cross


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT  this  Council resolve  itself  into  Committee of  the
   Whole, Mayor Owen in the Chair.

                                              -  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                           COMMITTEE REPORTS

   Report of the Standing Committee
   on Planning and Environment
   May 4, 1995                     

        The Council considered the recommendations of the Committee,
   as contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

        Cl.1  Significant Rezoning Applications
        Cl.2    Cedar Cottage  "Let-Go"  MC-1  District and  Related
              - Proposed Planning Program

                       COMMITTEE REPORTS (CONT'D)

   Significant Rezoning Applications
   (Clause 1)                       

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT   the  verbal  presentations  on  significant  rezoning
   applications be received for information.

                                              -  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   Cedar Cottage "Let-Go" MC-1 District and 
   Related Issues - Proposed Planning Program
   (Clause 2)                                

   MOVED by Cllr. Kwan,
        THAT the staff work program be expanded to include: 
             (i)  a social impact study of Broadway Station; and
             (ii) a commercial zoning study of the Station area.

                                              -  LOST               

             (Councillors Bellamy, Clarke, Hemer, Kennedy,
                    Sullivan and Mayor Owen opposed)

              (Councillor Chiavario in favour of (i) only)

   MOVED by Cllr. Kwan,
        THAT  the staff work program be expanded to include a visual
   preference  study for the RS-2 area, based on the Portland model,
   and  that  staff  report  back  on strategies  and  resources  to
   undertake this work.

        THAT in the  makeup of the CoreGroup the representation from
   the broader community be  increased from three representatives to
   five representatives.

                                              -  LOST               

                  (Councillors Clarke, Hemer, Kennedy,
                    Sullivan and Mayor Owen opposed)

                       COMMITTEE REPORTS (CONT'D)

   Cedar Cottage "Let-Go" MC-1 District and 
   Related Issues - Proposed Planning Program
   (Clause 2 Continued)                      

   MOVED by Cllr. Kwan,
        THAT staff report back on a community strategy and budget to
   undertake  a pilot  neighbourhood  program in  the Cedar  Cottage

                                              -  LOST               

            (Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer,
                Kennedy, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed)

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
        A.   THAT  Council  instruct   the  Associate  Director   of
             Community Planning  to undertake a  planning program in
             the  Cedar Cottage  neighbourhood  as  detailed in  the
             Terms of  Reference  in  the  attached  appendices,  to
             initiate planning for:

             1.   MC-1/Welwyn  Street area -  (Terms of Reference in
                  Appendix  D);  and   that  operating  expenses  of
                  $46,400 be approved;

             2.   RT-4 and  RT-5 Districts - (Terms  of Reference in
                  Appendix  E);  and  that  operating   expenses  of
                  $14,500 be approved;

             3.   RS Districts - (Terms of Reference in Appendix F);
                  and that operating expenses of $5,000 be approved;

             with the  source of funding to  be Contingency Reserve.
             The  budgets  for  A1,  A2,  and  A3  are  detailed  in
             Appendix G of the Administrative Report dated April 21,
             1995 (on file).

        B.   THAT the  Associate Director  of Community Planning  be
             instructed to  report  back to  Council at  appropriate
             times  during the  program for  Council direction,  and
             endorsement of implementation actions.

        C.   THAT  social  impact issues  at  the Broadway  Skytrain
             Station   be  referred   to  Community   Policing,  the
             Integrated  Service Delivery  Team and  the  Safer City
             Task Force as necessary.
                       COMMITTEE REPORTS (CONT'D)

   Cedar Cottage "Let-Go" MC-1 District and 
   Related Issues - Proposed Planning Program
   (Clause 2 Continued)                      

        D.   THAT the issues of commercial viability in the Broadway
             Station and  other areas of Cedar  Cottage, be referred
             to the Economic Development Task Force.

        E.   THAT staff  report  back on  the  issue of  the  visual
             preference  survey  techniques   and  resultant   staff
             resources and provider costs, when the report on the RS
             Survey is presented in November, 1995.

                                              -  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the Committee of the whole rise and report.

                                              -  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                              -  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                       *     *     *     *     *

              Council adjourned at approximately 5:30 p.m.

               *     *     *     *     *REPORT TO COUNCIL

                      ON PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT 

                              MAY 4, 1995
        A meeting of the  Standing Committee of Council  on Planning
   and  Environment was held on Thursday, May 4, 1995, at 2:20 p.m.,
   in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.

        PRESENT:  Councillor Kennedy, Chair
                  Mayor Owen
                  Councillor Bellamy (Item 2)
                  Councillor Chiavario
                  Councillor Clarke
                  Councillor Hemer (Item 2)
                  Councillor Kwan
                  Councillor Sullivan

        ABSENT:  Councillor Ip (Illness) 
                 Councillor Price (Leave of Absence)
                 Councillor Puil 

        CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:   Ken Dobell

        CLERK:  Marnie Cross

   Recorded Vote

        Unless otherwise  indicated, votes  of the Committee  on all
   items are unanimous.


   1.   Significant Rezoning Applications               File: 5302-2

   (a)  500-1300 Blocks Commodore, Charleson and Lamey's Mill

        Mr.  Tom Phipps  commented  on a  rezoning application  from
   Neale Staniszkis Doll Adams to rezone the site from FCCDD to CD-1
   to construct 300 dwelling units in three and four storey multiple
   dwellings   (20%  non-market),  and   public  park.Clause  No.  1

   (b)  572 Beatty Street (International Village)

        Mr.  Mike Kemble  commented on  a rezoning  application from
   Jeff Olsen,  International Village Architects, to  amend the CD-1
   (265)  to redistribute uses on the site, increase residential use
   and  change the form of  development in terms  of building height
   and massing.  An additional  tower is proposed, and consolidation
   of retail space in a Central Marketplace.

        The following  motion by  Mayor Owen  was  put and  CARRIED.
   Therefore, the Committee


        THAT  the  verbal   presentation  on  significant   rezoning
        applications be received for information.

   2.   Cedar Cottage "Let-Go" MC-1 District and 
        Related Issues- Proposed Planning Program         File: 8002
        The  Committee considered  an  Administrative  Report  dated
   April 21,  1995  (on  file),  in which  the  Associate  Director,
   Community Planning in consultation with the Engineering, Finance,
   Social Planning Departments, Corporate Services,  and the Housing
   Centre,  recommended  a planning  program  in  the Cedar  Cottage
   neighbourhood.  The proposed  areas and estimated operating costs
   (from Contingency Reserve, if approved) are as follows:

        (a)  MC-1/Welwyn Street area  -  $ 46,400 
        (b)  RT-4 and RT-5 Districts  -  $ 14,500
        (c)  RS Districts             -  $  5,000

        Staff  would report  back  at appropriate  times during  the
   program for Council direction,  and endorsement of implementation

        The proposed work program includes:

          an MC-1/Welwyn area planning study;

          a  resident survey to test support for a potential zoning
           change to address concerns with new development in the RT
           Districts;Clause No. 2 Continued

          a resident  survey to judge whether  future planning work
           is justified in the RS Districts;

          the establishment of an Integrated Service Team; and 

           a review of traffic concerns in the neighbourhood.

        The work program will lay the groundwork for possible future
   neighbourhood  planning pursuant  to  CityPlan,  and  provide  an
   opportunity to  try some  new approaches to  public participation
   which could be adapted for use in future CityPlan implementation.

        The report notes the Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood Association
   (CECONA), in the absence of assurances from staff that comprehen-
   sive planning and implementation will occur in the future, wishes
   to  undertake its  own comprehensive  plan.   The  Association is
   preparing a  brief and a request  for support from  Council for a
   B.C. Healthy Initiatives Grant.

        The   report  notes   the   existing  situation,   community
   perspectives and proposed work  program for the MC-1/Welwyn area,
   RT-4 and RT-5 District mini-review, the  RS-1 District Survey and
   for community services and facilities.

        Staff  feel the  proposed work  program addresses  the major
   issues identified in the  staff review and provides opportunities
   regarding CityPlan implementation.

        The following appeared as delegations:

        Mr.  Dana Webber, indicated  the Cedar Cottage neighbourhood
   is on the brink of crisis due to the following:

          criminal  activities associated  with  Skytrain  and  the
           methadone clinic,;

          diminishing options for affordable housing;

          inadequate recreational facilities

          a  disproportionate share  of  special needs  residential
           facilities; and 
          increasing through-traffic.  
   Clause No. 2 Continued

        Densification and commercial  development in  the MC-1  zone
   will have ripple effects throughout the entire community--Buffalo
   Hill, Broadway/Commercial, etc.

        A  social impact study of the Broadway Skytrain area must be
   undertaken and more time  and resources must be allocated  to the
   RS-2  issue.  $6,000 is  inadequate and CECONA  suggests a visual
   preference study, rather than a verbal survey be done.  The study
   at  a cost  of  $18-20,000  would  be  based  on  the  techniques
   developed   for  a  successful   transit  planning   and  related
   residential    development   in    Portland.   The    number   of
   representatives  from the  broader  community on  the MC-1/Welwyn
   study core group  should be increased  to five  from three.   The
   participatory  concept planning  workshops should  continue until
   participants feel there  is a satisfactory product,  not within a
   pre-established time frame.

        CECONA is  pleased to the area  will be a pilot  project for
   the  Integrated Services Team model,  and would like team members
   to  not only  work with the  community, but  in the  community in
   space available for the community policing project.

        Ms. Barbara  Wright indicated she had  organized a committee
   to go door to door with a survey to outline the identified issues
   and to ensure  responses reflected  the views  of the  community.
   Ms. Wright  indicated one  neighbourhood concern  is the  loss of
   good local  shopping -  butcher shop, vacuum  repair shop,  green
   grocer and a reasonable  bakery.  The chain supermarket  does not
   replace local shopping, and  neither does the new project  on the
   southwest corner of Broadway and Commercial.

        Ms.  Wright  passed  on comments  from  Mr.  Gregg  Brown, a
   neighbour who was  not able to attend.  Mr. Brown indicated Cedar
   Cottage is experiencing strong  pressure to change resulting from
   the proximity  to major  inter-urban  transportation routes,  the
   opportunity  for  redevelopment of  surplus industrial  land, the
   temptation to  replace the  aging housing  stock and the  overall
   demand  for  housing and  densification.    He urged  Council  to
   approve  a  comprehensive  plan incorporating  input  from  local

        Mr.  Tim  Ames  indicated  he   has  been  involved  with  a
   restoration  project for  John  Hendry Park,  working in  harmony
   since the  beginning with Park  Board staff. Mr.  Ames encouraged
   Council  to undertake  a comprehensive  planning program  for the
   Cedar  Cottage  neighbourhood, to  consider  the  community as  a
   whole, and obtain community input.Clause No. 2 Continued

        Ms. Leona Matte advised she is a Buffalo Hill resident close
   to the MC-1 area.   The lots in Buffalo  Hill are very large  and
   are slowing being redeveloped over  time, although there is still
   a decent heritage streetscape.  Because of the  size of the lots,
   there should be a planned design, hopefully with more infill type
   housing as opposed to tearing down old houses.

        Ms. Matte advised several parents  were unable to attend the
   meeting.  She spoke on their behalf indicating they wished to see
   a   comprehensive  neighbourhood   plan   developed   to   ensure
   transportation needs and social supports are addressed.  Three of
   the  area schools  are  located within  five  blocks of  skytrain
   stations and the safety problems associated with them.  They were
   also concerned with street prostitution, burglary and vandalism.
        Mr. Tom  Chavez, represented the  viable artists'  community
   located  in the  MC-1 area.   The  future of  the GVRD  site will
   affect the affordability  in the  community, and if  the land  is
   developed  the area will be more densely populated.  There should
   be a  comprehensive study undertaken,  with community use  on the
   GVRD site, rather than unplanned development.

        Ms. Rebecca Pavitt, indicated she lives at the extreme north
   end of Cedar Cottage  at Clark and Broadway.  The Queen Alexandra
   Neighbourhood Association want  this area to  be included in  the
   neighbourhood  plan.    Ms.  Pavitt expressed  concern  with  the
   Broadway/Commercial  intersection and the  adjacent blocks, which
   are heavily congested by vehicles and pedestrian traffic.  39,000
   persons  per day  embark and  disembark from  Skytrain/connecting
   buses and the sidewalks are  incredibly crowded.  The  commercial
   zoning does not promote  pedestrian friendly buildings, there are
   no transitional spaces, no green spaces, benches or public art to
   humanize  the   environment.    Commercial  Drive   should  be  a
   pedestrian  oriented shopping  district,  not  a  major  through-
   traffic artery posing a  threat to the safety  of children.   The
   community  policing   office   will  ameliorate   some   problems
   associated with Skytrain  but a social impact study would analyze
   the problems and focus on solutions.
   Clause No. 2 Continued

        Ms.  April   Hurmuses  presented  comments  from  Mr.  Scott
   Kennedy, a neighbourhood resident,  who supported the request for
   development   of  a   comprehensive  strategy   for  the   entire
   neighbourhood.   The  RS-2  study is  long  overdue --  in  Cedar
   Cottage RS-2 applies to small lots with no lane access, standard-
   sized single  family  lots,  and very  large  lots  without  lane
   access.   There  are  individual and  groups of  heritage-quality
   houses affected by the  schedule.  The zoning schedule  is unable
   to  adequately address  the diversity  of solutions  required for
   each potential and desirable form of development. 

        Ms.  April  Hurmuses,  Chair,  Cedar  Cottage  Neighbourhood
   Association (brief on  file), noted CECONA's  recommendations are
   based on surveys, public meetings,  planning department meetings,
   interviews  with community members, School Consultative Committee
   representatives,  principals  and  counselling staff  members  of
   local schools, the Neighbourhood House  Board, as well as  issues
   brought to monthly meetings  by members of the community  and the

        CECONA rejects the  Planning Department's recommendation  to
   complete   its  RS-2   study   only  as   a   part  of   CityPlan
   implementation.    The report  is  inadequate  in addressing  the
   social impact study  and the commercial  zoning study which  were
   recommended in the Broadway Station Area Plan.

        The  CECONA brief  sets  out the  historical development  of
   Cedar  Cottage,   its  industrial  lands,   community  recreation
   facilities  and  schools.  The  brief contains  the  full  policy

        CECONA believes a comprehensive  community plan is the long-
   term  solution  to  the   neighbourhood  crisis.    Ms.  Hermuses
   recommended the social impact study on the effect of the Broadway
   Station  be undertaken as well  as a commercial  zoning study for
   the Broadway Commercial area.  A visual preference study, modeled
   after  the Portland  model,  should  be  undertaken.    The  MC-1
   planning  process should not be  time limited as  outlined in the
   staff report and the  core group proposed for the study should be
   increased  to provide  for  five representatives  of the  broader
   community, not three as recommended.
   Clause No. 2 Continued

        Ms.  Hermuses indicated  CECONA has  been meeting  with city
   planning staff for  nearly a year  to discuss community  planning
   issues and the resultant report tackles some of the issues, but a
   comprehensive community  plan must  be undertaken.   Ms. Hermuses
   urged Council to amend  the work program  to include work on  the
   critical issues mentioned by the delegations today.

        In  response  to questions  from  a member  of  Council, the
   delegations  indicated that CECONA has about  50 members, some of
   whom are  multilingual.  There are  at least 140 -  150 people in
   attendance at meetings.   Some material is translated in mandarin
   and  cantonese, but  as  volunteers with  no  budget, it  is  not
   possible  to translate  everything,  nor to  have translators  at

        In response to questions with respect to the GVRD site which
   is  to be  sold  by  December,  Mr.  Ken  Dobell,  City  Manager,
   indicated if Council so wished, the City could buy the land, hold
   it and sell it at a later date.  

        The following motion by Councillor Kwan was put and LOST.

        THAT the staff work program be expanded to include: 
           (i)    a social impact study of Broadway Station; and
           (ii)   a commercial zoning study of the Station area.

             (Councillors Bellamy, Clarke, Hemer, Kennedy,
                    Sullivan and Mayor Owen opposed)

              (Councillor Chiavario in favour of (i) only)

        The following motions by Councillor Kwan were put and LOST.

        THAT  the staff work program be expanded to include a visual
        preference study  for the RS-2  area, based on  the Portland
        model,  and  that  staff   report  back  on  strategies  and
        resources to undertake this work.

        THAT in the makeup of the CoreGroup  the representation from
        the    broader   community    be   increased    from   three
        representatives to five representatives.

                  (Councillors Clarke, Hemer, Kennedy,
                    Sullivan and Mayor Owen opposed)

   Clause No. 2 Continued

        The following motion by Councillor Kwan was put and LOST.

        THAT staff report back on a community strategy and budget to
        undertake a pilot neighbourhood program in the Cedar Cottage

            (Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer, 
               Kennedy, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed).

        The  following motions  by Councillor  Bellamy were  put and
   CARRIED.  Therefore, the Committee


        A.   THAT   Council  instruct  the   Associate  Director  of
             Community Planning  to undertake a  planning program in
             the  Cedar Cottage  neighbourhood  as  detailed in  the
             Terms of  Reference  in  the  attached  appendices,  to
             initiate planning for:

             1.   MC-1/Welwyn  Street area -  (Terms of Reference in
                  Appendix   D);  and  that  operating  expenses  of
                  $46,400 be approved;

             2.   RT-4 and  RT-5 Districts - (Terms  of Reference in
                  Appendix  E);  and   that  operating  expenses  of
                  $14,500 be approved;

             3.   RS Districts - (Terms of Reference in Appendix F);
                  and that operating expenses of $5,000 be approved;

             with the  source of funding to  be Contingency Reserve.
             The budgets for A1, A2, and A3 are detailed in Appendix
             G of the Administrative Report dated April 21, 1995 (on

        B.   THAT the  Associate Director of  Community Planning  be
             instructed  to report  back to  Council at  appropriate
             times during  the program  for  Council direction,  and
             endorsement of implementation actions.

                                             -  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 
   Clause No. 2 Continued

        The  following motions  by  Councillor Clarke  were put  and
   CARRIED.  Therefore, the Committee


        C.   THAT  social impact  issues  at  the Broadway  Skytrain
             Station   be  referred   to  Community   Policing,  the
             Integrated  Service Delivery  Team and  the Safer  City
             Task Force as necessary.

        D.   THAT the issues of commercial viability in the Broadway
             Station and  other areas of Cedar  Cottage, be referred
             to the Economic Development Task Force.

        E.   THAT  staff report  back  on the  issue  of the  visual
             preference  survey  techniques   and  resultant   staff
             resources and provider costs, when the report on the RS
             Survey is presented in November, 1995.

                                              -  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                       *     *     *     *     *

           The Committee adjourned at approximately 5:20 p.m.

                       *     *     *     *     *