Agenda Index City of Vancouver

D.H. Rudberg, P.Eng., General Manager
T.R. Timm, P.Eng., Deputy City Engineer

TO: Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic

CC: Judy Rogers, City Manager

FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services

SUBJECT: Update on the Stanley Park Causeway “S” Curve and Georgia Street Design

The purpose of this memo is to update Council on the status of the design of the Stanley Park “S” Curve and the design of Georgia Street from Chilco to Cardero Streets.

Over the last few weeks, Staff from Engineering, Planning and Parks have been working closely with consultants to develop a detailed design for the Stanley Park Causeway. The design developed thus far has focused on the reconstruction of the existing Causeway, bringing it up to current design standards as approved by Council. However, Staff has expressed concerns regarding the impacts on views and the urban design of this concept.

In the past week, our urban design consultant has come up with a concept that is a departure from the current design in that it relocates the pedestrian underpass to the north. This new concept appears to meet the fundamental goals of the Project, as well as potentially addressing all of the various view, urban design and Park concerns. In addition, this new design is seen as creating a positive legacy to Vancouver and Stanley Park. This is currently in the preliminary stage and a detailed design and cost estimate need to be completed to determine the feasibility of this scenario.

A brief presentation will be given to the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic at the July 25, 2000 meeting. Over the next few weeks, Staff will be developing this concept and will bring forward a formal design report early in September.

In addition to the Stanley Park Causeway, Staff has been developing a plan for the design of Georgia Street. At an open house held on May 15, 2000 several options were presented to
the public for their opinion. Generally, the preferred options maintained Georgia Street lane configuration (utilizing a reversible lane to accommodate peak period traffic flows), and providing for cyclists on a bicycle path or bicycle lane, but without the median or eastbound bus lane. Options incorporating these ideas are being developed and discussed by staff. These plans will be taken to residents and the Advisory Committees to Council such as the Bicycle Advisory Committee for their comments.

A report recommending a design for Georgia Street will be developed and presented to Standing Committee on September 26, 2000.

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