Agenda Index City of Vancouver


M E M O R A N D U M July 8, 2002


Mayor and Council



General Manager of Engineering Services and Director of Current Planning

J. Rogers, City Manager
S. Baxter, City Clerk


Downtown Transportation Plan

Following the submission of the Draft Downtown Transportation Plan to City Council, the DTP team and Steering Committee have reviewed comments and suggestions from the public and the various downtown stakeholders through open houses, letters, e-mails, and delegations. In response to this feedback, the following additional recommendations are forwarded for consideration.

In response to delegations speaking to Council requesting that the Downtown Transportation Plan address water transportation issues, staff have developed an additional section entitled "Water Transportation" (Attachment 1). It is recommended:

E. THAT "Water Transportation"be added as Section 4.9 to the draft Downtown Transportation Plan.

In addition, staff are also submitting a revised Section 5 entitled "Implementation Ideas" (Attachment 2), which provides illustrations for many of the "Spot Improvements" already identified in the draft Downtown Transportation Plan and will replace the original Section 5. It is recommended:

F. THAT Section 5 entitled "Implementation Ideas" in the draft Downtown Transportation Plan be replaced with the revised version containing illustrations.

With respect to the submission to Council (see Attachment 3) by the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association (DVBIA), dated June 26, 2002, it is recommended:

G. THAT the specific action items in the Downtown Transportation Plan contingent to Council's resolutions for a design study for Granville Street/Mall, be deferred.

In response to comments from the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority (see Attachment 4), it is recommended:

H. THAT Council receive the letter from TransLink dated June 27, 2002, and instructs staff to work with TransLink to address the comments and suggestions included in their written submission and consider the following statement in developing the Downtown Transportation Plan implementation program;

"Give effect to the City's stated priority to increase transit use and improve service by allocating road space and managing traffic systems and regulations to improve the reliability, speed, comfort and status of transit vehicles. Such priority will reflect transit's current and expected importance in moving people to and within the downtown and will include a range of measures including bus lanes, signal priority, bus bulges, queue jumpers, auto turning restrictions and improved pedestrian amenity."

In response to comments from the Vancouver Port Authority (see Attachment 5), it is recommended:

I. THAT Council receive the letter dated July 3, 2002, from the Vancouver Port Authority and instruct staff to consider its contents in developing the Downtown Transportation Plan implementation program.

Dave Rudberg,
General Manager of Engineering Services

Larry Beasley,
Director of Current Planning



4.9 Water Borne Transportation

During discussions of the final draft of the Downtown Transportation Plan, the issue of surface water transportation of both passengers and freight arose. Although not in the initial terms of reference, the issue of water transportation to the downtown peninsula is perceived to be a natural opportunity. Downtown is bordered on the south by False Creek and on the north by the Burrard Inlet. This section reviews the potential for greater use of the surrounding waters for transportation to and from the peninsula.

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