Agenda Index City of Vancouver


At the Council meeting of February 19, 2002, Councillor Bass submitted the following Notice of Motion, which was recognized by the Chair.

5. The Construction of Highways Through Greater Vancouver Watersheds (File: 3753)

WHEREAS, a number of schemes have recently been proposed to build highways through portions of the Capilano and Seymour areas of the Greater Vancouver Watersheds as alternate routes to Whistler for the Olympics;

AND WHEREAS, on Nov. 10, 1999 the GVRD Board of Directors adopted watershed management principles and guidelines that state:

AND WHEREAS, building new roads or highways through the Greater Vancouver Watershed is not consistent with the GVRD's watershed management principles and guidelines as road construction would:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City of Vancouver notify the GVRD Board of its opposition to the construction of any new roads or highways through the Greater Vancouver Watersheds.

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